“Ace, you have to admit, this was a close call. Closer than ever before. Face the facts. You and I are out of commission for a while.”

He’s right. Without talking to the doctor, it’s obvious our prognosis will have us out for weeks, possibly months.

“Think about it. We don’t have to decide now.”

“We’re a team. I stand with you guys. No matter what.” It goes unsaid they feel the same.

“So, more news. We didn’t tell Harley the depth of your injuries. Thought it was for the best,” Ford tells me.


“She already knew the details of everything else.”


Talon’s jaw ticks, his eyes sharp. “Finn Black, Max Roberts, and Robbie Hayes are in the mix.”

“Fuck, how’d that shit happen? We’re buried under the radar.”

“Apparently not to those three. Max is well connected.”

“If he’s that well connected, then he knows what happened.”

“He does. I spoke to him. He’s on board with keeping the medical details vague.”

“But we were too late to stop the moms,” Major speaks up.

“So, Harley knows,” I surmise.

“Yes, and she’s not happy with any of us, including Max.”

“If someone will give me a damn phone, I’ll take care of it.”

Talon hands his over after pulling up her contact. It goes directly to voicemail. I disconnect, pressing send again, getting the same result.

“She’s not answering.”

“Maybe she’s at her parents’. We haven’t heard from her in a few hours.”

Worry sets in, and I scroll to find Rich’s number, which also goes unanswered.

“Where the fuck is she?”

“I’m right here.” She materializes from behind the partition with Rich and my dad at her back.

Every thought in my head and everyone in the room vanishes. My pulse races hard, setting my monitor off again.

She’s wearing shimmery black leggings and a red sweater that’s open to reveal a simple white shirt. The leggings and shirt are molded to her tight body. Her hair hangs in soft waves with rhinestone clips holding it back on one side. The color of her eyes is a blazing bright blue.

Unbelievably fucking gorgeous.

Sheer perfection.

And incredibly pissed off.

“Harley, what are you doing—”

She throws her palm in the air and strolls my way. “It’s obvious these men can’t be depended on. I’ve spent the last seven hours between airports and in the air. Checking my phone like a madwoman when I had service, knowing my darling, dear, beloved friends would call me the minute there was a change in your condition.” She swivels her head to the guys, who are a shade paler. “Then I get here, only to find out from the perky personality nurse that he’s been awake an hour?!?”

Major slumps in his wheelchair, while Talon and Ford drop their eyes to the floor.

She gets to my side, doing a once-over, and after a beat, flings herself at me. I wrap my arms around her waist, hoisting her onto the bed. Her body quakes, her breaths coming in short rasps.

“I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

“Baby, I’m good. Even better now that you’re here.”

She tilts back, covering my face with kisses before crashing her mouth over mine. My hand moves to cup the back of her head as I savor the feel, touch, and taste of her. She angles to give me better access, opening wider.

A throat clears, followed by another, and I grunt, breaking away.

Dad and Rich are looking around in avoidance. Major and Ford are smirking.

“Just to say, that’s not sanitary. The purified air and antiseptic are the only things covering his stench. Plus, remember your condition.” Talon’s gaze goes to my groin.

He’s not referring to my wound. It’s more about the firmness growing between my legs. A throbbing pain shoots up my shaft.

“He’s right. I don’t even remember my last shower or when I brushed my teeth.”

“I don’t care,” she insists.

“Beautiful, I’ve got a piss tube lodged in my dick. It’s not gonna go well if I grow hard.” I whisper this for only her ears, and she shifts, her eyes wide in surprise.


“It’ll be gone soon.” I wink and get a grin in return.

She slides out of my hold and goes to Talon, shooting him an annoyed scowl. He sweeps her off her feet, shaking her like a doll until she’s giggling. “Knew you couldn’t stay mad.”

She gives Ford a quick but tight hug, then crouches in front of Major, taking his hand.

“I have an excuse for not calling. There’s a hole in my chest.”

“You’re excused.” She kisses his cheek and stands. “I’m thankful you’re okay.”

Dad and Rich come to my side, both looking ragged and exhausted.

“Son,” Dad’s voice breaks, and Rich lays a hand on his shoulder.

“Good to see you awake, Ace.” His own tone is heavy and grave.

“Good to be awake.”

“Your mom and Amanda will be here later. We couldn’t all get on the same flight.” Dad speaks clearly this time, his gaze on the square bandage on my arm.