The red call light button is clipped to my pillow, and I stare at it, wondering if I should pull it or not. The thought slips out of my mind when my heavy eyes drift closed again, and sleep threatens to pull me under.

I’m almost asleep once more when I feel the strange sensation of being watched. I blink my eyes back open, though it takes some serious concentration. I’m not sure what I expected to see when I got my eyes to open fully, but it wasn’t Xander Rossi.

In a millisecond, I go from sleepy to wide awake and afraid. I shove up into a sitting position and look down at the red call light.

Would anyone save me?

“If you’re thinking of calling for the nurse or doctor, don’t bother. They won’t be able to save you from me.”

I’m not sure how I get my mouth to work, but I do. “What do you want?” The words come out in a croak.

I stare at the man who helped to ruin my life. My father caused a lot of the issues, but Xander didn’t help matters when it came time to pin it all on my father.

Even with his graying hair and older age, he doesn’t look less threatening. It’s obvious he still works out, and his features, though weathered, are still that of a man in his prime.

One might even say he was handsome if you were into dating an older man. I can’t see him as anything but the man who has the power to break me into a million tiny pieces.

Xander’s face goes from penetrating steel to mocking in the blink of my eyes. “I’m sure I don’t have to repeat myself, but it seems you are hard of hearing, so I’ll warn you one last time…” He moves like a snake slithering through the grass, each step brings him closer, and I don’t realize until the moment he’s standing beside the bed that I’m shaking. My throat constricts around nothing, and I feel the urge to get up and run, but where would I go? How would I run? I’d never escape this man with a broken leg.

My hand moves to the call light button, and I grip it like my life depends on it. Xander smiles, full on smiles, like a lion staring at you right before he sinks his teeth into your flesh to rip you apart.

“Go on, push the button. See who comes running…”

“You… you can’t be in here!” My lips tremble, and I squeak out the words, “Get out!”

Even after said no one would come to my rescue, I still press the call light button, hoping and praying that someone will prove him wrong.

“Stupid girl,” he growls, looking down at the lit button.

He moves so quickly, I don’t have time to think before his fingers wrap around my arm, and a thumb digs painfully into one of my bruises. I bite the inside of my cheek as I clench my teeth together.

Don’t cry. Don’t cry.

I can’t show him any more weakness, but fear rattles me. No one has come running into the room, proving his theory correct. When his gaze collides with mine again, a terrified shiver ripples down my spine.

His eyes brim with liquid rage, and it takes everything inside me to continue to meet his gaze. To look away would be defeat and as scared as I am, there is still a part of me that refuses to let this man win, to let any of them win.

“I don’t care what my son’s infatuation with you is. If you don’t stay away from him, you will wish you had died in that helicopter out in the forest. I won’t warn you again. Next time, you’re dead.”

It hits me then, like running head on into a brick wall. My father’s voice fills my head, and I remember the riddle he gave me that I could not solve. I’m not sure why it took me so long to piece the puzzle together. Q’s mom is dead, and my father told me the answer to Q’s questions is Xander, which means…

Xander’s retreating footsteps meet my ears, and I force myself out of my thoughts.

“You won’t get away with this,” I growl.

His steps falter, and he turns just as he reaches the door. I don’t know why I think I can push back against him. He’s the mob, Quinton’s father. There is no one who can save me from him, but knowing that drives me to push back against him.

“I already have.” His lips curve into a sinister smile and he walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.

My heart gallops in my chest as all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place.

Xander did it. Xander is the answer Quinton is looking for.