“Actually, I thought we’d raid the picnic basket, assuming you two haven’t eaten everything,” he teased.

“Oh, ha-ha, smartass. We’ve barely touched it,” Lucien said, leading the way to the blanket.

The three of them sprawled across the massive blanket they spread out and dug into all the food they’d stolen from the pantry. They laughed and joked, the rest of the world falling away for a couple of hours.

And when Calder was completely stuffed, he stretched out with his head on Lucien’s lap and a smile on his lips. This was what he’d wanted when he’d come up with his idea of an afternoon at the beach. He wanted quiet relaxation with his mates. He wanted Lucien’s long fingers threading through his hair and Gio’s soft laugh in his ears.

“Calder, babe?” Lucien started with surprising gentleness.

“Hmm?” he hummed without opening his eyes.

“Look at me.” Calder’s eyes popped open and he found himself staring into Lucien’s worried eyes. “Did you stop surfing because of us?”

“Sort of. I want to spend time with you and Gio. I didn’t come here to surf.” He huffed and rolled his eyes at himself. “I shouldn’t have even brought my board. I think I just grabbed it out of habit.”

Gio leaned down and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Sweetheart, we’re not going anywhere. We’re happy to watch you surf as long as you want. We want to share this with you.”

“That goes for anything you want to do,” Lucien pressed. “Gio and I aren’t going anywhere just because you want to do something else.”

Calder had to close his eyes against the sudden burn of unshed tears. He knew exactly what had brought this on. Since returning from Sedona, he’d sort of clung to his mates, some part of him fearful to let them out of his sight. Today was the first time he’d taken even the smallest step away from them. He was very much a “go with the flow, don’t make waves” kind of guy. He was excited to help Lucien with the restaurant and even learn about Gio’s restoration business, but he’d not done his own thing.

Except for surfing.

“Thank you,” he said in a rough whisper. “I’m not there yet, but I will be soon.”

“And we’ll be right there to support you and cheer you. No matter what,” Lucien promised.

Gio’s soft lips brushed his followed by Lucien’s. He wanted to laugh that he was able to so clearly tell them apart with just a small touch, but he knew his mates better than he knew the ocean waves. With them, he was safe. He was home.


The alarm went off, jerking Hale from a deep sleep. Groggy, he blinked the room into focus, then rolled over to shut it off. It was Saturday and neither he nor Harrison had to get up for anything. He should have remembered to turn the damn thing off. He turned and snuggled against Harrison, who immediately pulled him close, wrapping an arm and leg around him.

This was Hale’s favorite part of the day. When he first woke and realized how wonderful he had it with Harrison. The man never failed to keep him on his toes, amuse him, turn him on. They’d been together six months now, and every day was an adventure. He wiggled closer and realized his bladder was definitely awake.

“Why the squirming?” Harrison murmured as he buried his face in Hale’s hair.

“Gotta pee.”

“Then go pee.” Harrison lifted his leg and arm, squinting at Hale in the morning sunlight coming through the blinds. “But come back. No classes today.”

Hale hurried from the bed and into the bathroom to take care of business. He looked in the mirror as he washed his hands, grinning at the state of his hair. Harrison loved it and was always grasping hold of it when they fucked, last night being no exception. Hale walked to the bed where Harrison was lifting the covers to invite him in for more snuggling. The man’s naked body was just as much an invitation, and Hale climbed in and plastered himself against Harrison.

Just like before, Harrison threw an arm and a leg over him, tugging him in as close as possible. He buried his face in Hale’s hair. “Love your hair. So soft and smells so good.”

Hale chuckled and enjoyed the closeness. He shut his eyes, thinking he could probably sleep another hour, but the feel of hair on Harrison’s leg distracted him. He reached down to rub his hands over it.

“What time does your family get here?” Harrison asked, his voice still raspy with sleep.

“Not until this afternoon. Are you ready for my brothers?”

“I have prepared for the incoming inquisition.” Harrison stroked his hand over Hale’s stomach. “And remember, I’ve been talking to them on the phone. They’re not so bad.”

“Says you now.”