But he would very much like to live with the men who’d become his brothers. Yes, he’d like to visit his own family in Chicago and he had to figure out what he was going to do about his graduate work, but Savannah and these men had become home for him.

“What do you think? Want some time to turn it over in your head? We’ve still got a long drive back to Savannah.” Hale hated to put his lover on the spot.

Harrison smiled gently at him and shook his head. “I don’t need to think about it. Wiley promised to show me all the journals. I’ve heard amazing stories about Dane’s cooking, and I’ve heard other very crazy stories about Baer and peacocks. I think we need to be in Savannah for all of this.”

“Oh, my God!” Baer moaned. “Turn into an ostrich one time, and people never let you forget about it!”

“Then let’s go home,” Clay declared, leading the way down the mountain.

Hale threaded his fingers through Harrison’s as they walked along the trail. They were dirty and tired, but the world had never seemed so big and full of possibilities. For once, Hale’s gaze was not on the cosmos, but on the man at his side. He held all the answers to the big questions Hale wanted to ask about life and he couldn’t wait to start their new journey together.

Bonus Good-byes

Dear lovely readers,

Another series has closed, and you always want a second chance to say good-bye to your favorite couples. Or maybe you just want to make sure they’re on the proper path to the happiness they deserve. We thought we’d write something like an epilogue or simply bonus short scenes to send the Weavers into their happily ever after.

As always, happy reading,

Jocelynn & Rinda


Clay climbed the main stairs to the second floor, his cell phone gripped in his hand. The last time he’d run into Dane, he’d mentioned something about putting fresh sheets on the bed in the guest room. He poked his head into the room that had been occupied by Lucien until the throuple moved up to the newly renovated attic space to find Dane staring at the bed, his arms loosely folded over his stomach and lost in thought.

“I just talked to Callie,” Clay announced.

Dane’s head popped up, an easy smile sliding across his face. “How’s your sister?”

“Good. She’s excited to fly down tomorrow.” This was going to be his sister’s second visit to the Weaver House in the past year since the pestilents had been taken out.

Clay shoved his phone into his back pocket and stepped farther into the room. He wrapped his arms around Dane from behind and pressed a kiss to the side of his neck. Never in a million years had he believed that he’d have this. Home, family—even if they were a crazy patchwork of unpredictable men—and a man he loved from the deepest depths of his soul.

“What were you thinking about when I walked in?” Clay casually inquired.

His mate was quick to shake his head. “Oh, nothing,” he replied, his words a little too fast as if he were embarrassed about something.

“Uh-oh,” Clay teased as he pressed his face into the back of Dane’s head. His soft hair tickled his nose and smelled wonderfully of pomegranate shampoo.


“The house is done, babe. Completely done. And it is fucking gorgeous. You’ve pulled out all the stops. Even the secret passage you created between the library and billiards room is a fucking marvel.”

Dane stiffened in his arms and turned partially to face him. His eyes narrowed on Clay. “What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking that you’re thinking that you want to remodel one of the absolutely perfect rooms because you’re restless or bored.”

Dane’s mouth fell open and he pressed his hands into Clay’s chest so he could give the man a shove. But it wasn’t much of a push, because Clay didn’t release him. “I am not! The house is perfect.”


“We’re not changing anything.”

“Good. So, what were you thinking about?” Clay prodded again.

His lover’s eyes immediately darted from his face. Clay watched him closely. It wasn’t sadness that seeped into his face. Uncertainty maybe, mixed with a tiny bit of worry. “Seriously, it was nothing.”

“Tell me. You know I’m interested in anything you are. I want to know what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours.”

Dane finally slipped free of Clay’s hold and walked over to the dresser on the far wall. He ran his hand across the shining dark wood top, seeming to prefer looking anywhere than at Clay.

“I’ve been thinking about a lot of things recently,” Dane hedged.

“That’s good,” Clay replied, trying to be supportive. He moved aside the folded sheets on the edge of the bed that still needed to be put on and sat on the bed, his hands folded together between his legs.