Despite what Samuel had suggested, they stayed to help with the cleanup, Lucien burning the pestilent bodies to ash. The little town hadn’t taken too much damage other than that, so they were back in the SUVs and on the road within a couple of hours. Harrison and Wiley rode together with Clay and Dane, so they could go through the database they’d built to look for a new cloaking spell. Hale had not been happy at the news that they were going in separate vehicles and had tried to argue. Harrison had ignored him. The spell research came first.

Of course, it didn’t help that the new spell book was singing a siren song, tempting him away from his work. He’d only ever heard about the book. Had never actually flipped through the pages and pored over the spells there.

Wiley was in the same boat, judging by the way his eyes kept straying to the worn little manuscript.

But despite the critical nature of their work, his traitorous mind kept returning to the kiss. He was doing his best to brush it off and forget every word Hale had said. The sledgehammer approach was an apt description, because it was all hammering in his mind over and over again.

Was Hale right?

Was he gay? Or bisexual? He’d been attracted to women and dated some, but it was never anything too serious.

Yet, now there was this flirty, smug blond who smiled at him like he just knew exactly how badly Harrison wanted to take him apart while Harrison lost himself in the man’s heat and taste.

He looked at Wiley, who was also blond and attractive and felt nothing but friendship. No urges to rip his clothes off and lick water from his navel. But those needs were strong where Hale was concerned. Even now, just the thought had his dick twitching in his pants.

The last thing he needed right now was a hard-on. Swearing at Hale and his own dick in several languages in his head, Harrison turned his attention to his damn computer and the spell hunt.

They searched until Wiley grew sleepy from the movement of the car and insisted they take a short nap. Harrison leaned against the door, but he didn’t sleep, instead just giving his mind a moment to rest.

That of course, sent it back to Hale.

He wasn’t only attracted to him physically, he actually liked the man. Liked his easygoing nature and his willingness to jump in and help no matter what. Liked that he was obviously smart—his degree in astrophysics proved that. Yes, he also spent a lot of time wanting to strangle the man or at least shake him until he admitted that something was more serious than he was treating it.

Mostly, Harrison was just plain drawn to him. And yes, a lot of that was physical. Hale was a beautiful man through and through.

Harrison stared out at the passing landscapes as Dane and Clay chatted quietly in the front seat. He didn’t listen; instead he tried to figure out what to do. Hale needed a soul mate, not a lover, and why was he even going there? They’d kissed once and that was it. Yeah, it had been the hottest kiss of his life, but still…sex?

Could he have sex with a man?

Somehow, he knew he could. If it was Hale, anyway. He tried to imagine what that would be like. Hard muscles and a dick. He certainly knew what to do with his own dick, so it wasn’t like he’d be going in completely blind. But still, could he?

By the time they pulled over into a gas station, he’d convinced himself it didn’t matter. His growing feelings toward Hale couldn’t matter. Hale needed to find his true soul mate. That was so much more important than whatever was happening between them. Just like how all of the other Weavers finding their soul mates had to mean something in the coming battle. The mates had developed powers, after all.

He got out to stretch his legs, feeling his right knee pop from being crammed up against the seat in front of him for too long. As if naturally drawn to him, he watched Hale emerge from his vehicle and walk into the store. Those sky-blue eyes turned his way and locked there throughout the walk. Harrison felt a shiver of awareness go down his spine.

They all got drinks and snacks before returning to the road. Harrison and Wiley giddily searched through the new spell book, and Wiley suddenly let out a whoop.

“Christ!” Clay yelled. “Don’t distract the driver like that.”

“Sorry,” Wiley said, but he was grinning from ear to ear. “There’s a cloaking spell in here that should work for us for the rest of the trip. And I’ve got everything I need for it in the other SUV. As soon as we find a place to stop for the night, I’ll cast it.” He relaxed in the seat, looking pleased with himself.