Grey stared out across the empty field and Hale joined him, enjoying the quiet moment of companionship. They’d be leaving soon. Baer and Clay had spent the morning making sure that all three SUVs they were taking were in great shape. He’d heard that Grey and Cort had worked on weapons. The disappearance of Lucien, Gio, and Calder meant they were either spending throuple time together or they’d been put to work packing, which would probably lead to adorable throuple time.

Baer had been quick to clue him in that the trio was the newest of the bonded mates and that would mean they were all over each other all the time. But after a week of living in the house with everyone, he had to admit that he didn’t see a huge difference between how the throuple acted and how the rest of the couples acted. They were all kissing and sneaking away at the strangest moments.

One big lesson was, don’t move quietly through the house. A person never knew what they might walk in on if proper warning wasn’t given.

Of course, the throuple was pretty damn cute. Gio and Lucien seemed to spend most of their time cuddling and generally taking care of Calder as if their entire existence was devoted to his every whim. But then Gio would stub his toe or Lucien would misplace something, and the other two would be there in a heartbeat, as if they could sense their mate’s distress.

Was it a bonded-mate thing?

Interesting thought. Maybe if the astrophysics thing got boring, he could spend a few decades studying the Weavers’ bonded mates. They’d provide countless hours of entertainment and information for analysis.

“You can actually feel your mate’s emotions after you’re bonded,” Grey answered. “It’s clear enough at times, from my understanding of Baer and Clay, that it can be like hearing thoughts.”

Huh. Wasn’t that convenient? He didn’t even have to speak. Grey just heard his thoughts and answered. Having a Soul Weaver as a friend definitely was handy.

Grey huffed out a laugh. “Your thoughts are surprisingly hard to block out because they’re so open and organized, but thanks.”

“No problem,” Hale replied cheerfully.

“But you were asking big questions. Your place? Your great power or skill?” Grey drew in a deep breath and released it. “I don’t know. Clay is our leader. He didn’t particularly want the job, but he’s been damn good at it from almost day one. Lucien has largely become his second. He’s got a quick mind and is good at strategy, particularly now that he isn’t constantly fighting with Calder.”

Hale grinned at his companion. “Yeah, I heard. Can’t fight what the heart wants.”

“Something like that,” Grey muttered. “Baer has largely fallen into the role of muscle for Clay. Calder has almost become a secret attack weapon. His small build and innocent face leave people underestimating or overlooking him. They never see him coming, and his skills are as devastating as Clay’s or Lucien’s.”

Hale cocked his head to the side and his smile became a little more devilish. “And you?”

“Cleanup. After the fighting is over and Lucien has burned the bodies of the pestilents, I make sure no one can remember that we were ever there.” His cold expression lasted all of two seconds before it cracked into a self-effacing smile. “I also serve as the resident therapist since none of you can actually bullshit me.”

“That’s awesome! Do you have your own shrink couch and one of those jackets with the leather patches on the elbows?”

Grey snort-laughed and shoved Hale away from him. “Idiot.”

“Probably,” he amicably agreed.

“But as for your place, it depends on your powers and what you can do with them. Flying is nice and can be helpful, but is there more?”

The Soul Weaver made an excellent point. Hale leaned back on his hands and stared up at the sky. Flying was fabulous, and it would come in handy if he were strong enough to carry another person out of harm’s way. But what could he do in a fight? Even Grey could climb into the minds of brainwashed humans and wield a gun like Rambo.

A breeze stirred, moving his hair to fall across his face and tickle his nose. If he was the air, didn’t that also mean he was the wind?

Shifting his weight to his left hand, Hale lifted his right while pulling on the power that happily hummed in his chest. It swirled in his palm for a second like an oversized goldfish, then launched itself upward. He could sense it curling and tangling with the wind before driving it downward. The wind swept around him and zipped off to ruffle Grey’s hair, leaving it a rumpled mess.

“What the—” Grey twisted, trying to follow the wind but there was nothing to see. “You did that! You really did that!”