“And that’s assuming the pestilents haven’t taken out another member of the Circle while we’re waiting,” Calder added softly. The words were barely past his lips when he was cuddled on either side by both of his mates.

That was something Hale had a hell of a lot of questions about—like how in the world someone ended up with two mates—but now didn’t seem like the appropriate time.

But back to the problem that was stressing them all out.

Hale shook his head and offered up his most easygoing smile to Clay. “I appreciate the concern, but in all honesty, I’m in no huge rush to jump into this ‘settling down with a soul mate’ thing. I mean, I’ve already been kidnapped, gotten powers, met some real goddesses, and now I apparently have this grand destiny to help save the world. It’s kind of a lot to take in.”

Baer chuckled. “We’re really good at throwing people into the deep end of the pool.”

“Tell me about it,” Wiley muttered under his breath.

Baer nipped at his lover’s neck and looked at Hale again. “Don’t worry. It’s a long road trip to Sedona. I wouldn’t be surprised if you meet your soul mate while we’re on the road. I met mine in a bakery.”

“It also doesn’t hurt that Grey’s working at full capacity,” Cort tossed out with a grin.

“Nice.” Grey sneered at Cort, but the man didn’t appear bothered by the expression at all.

“Yeah, Grey can spot a soul mate a mile away,” Baer said, pointing at the Soul Weaver. “You just gotta hope he opens his mouth about it.”

Grey threw his hands up in the air. “I get it. There’s no time to play matchmaker. Screw me for wanting to help you not fuck up the best thing that would ever happen to you.”

Cort leaned over and pressed a kiss to Grey’s cheek, which seemed to magically dissolve Grey’s grumpiness. “My closet romantic.”

“Fine. That’s settled. We head out as soon as we can pull all the gear together and talk with Harrison to go over the planned route,” Clay started again, earning groans from most of the occupants of the room. Clay ignored them and turned his attention to Grey. “What’s the situation with the ammunition and weapons? Is there anything we need to get our hands on before we leave?”

“You mean other than a rocket launcher?” Grey asked in such a dry tone that Hale couldn’t figure out whether the man was serious or joking.

“We’re not getting a rocket launcher,” Clay said quickly.

A light tap on his shoulder drew him from the comments that were being flung about the room despite Clay’s claims. He looked up to find Harrison standing over him, a frown on his lips.

“Do you have a place where I might be able to clean up?” he inquired politely.

“Sure! I…” he immediately drifted off as he wracked his brain for a good place for Harrison to use. He could always let the Keeper use his room.

Calder leaned forward so that he could more easily see Hale around his mate. “He can use my old room,” he offered. “All my stuff is moved in with Gio and Lucien, but there are still some clean towels and linens in the closet. There’s also some spare shampoo and soap in the big utility closet off Wiley’s office. Feel free to raid that.”

Hale nodded. He knew exactly what Calder was talking about since he’d needed to grab his own supplies after he arrived at the house a week ago. He was more than happy to get the “new guy” set up, even if he wasn’t actually a Weaver. Considering the critical piece of the puzzle he was holding for them, Harrison was easily just as important as one of the Weavers.

Hale jumped to his feet and waved for Harrison to follow him through the living room toward the kitchen, where he used the back staircase to the second floor.

This really was the best house. He loved the exposed brick in the kitchen and all the windows looking out on the lush green yard beyond. Despite being old and enormous, everything about the place felt like a cozy home.

But then, that might have to do with it being filled with loud, slightly crazy men who were very good at getting into trouble even when the pestilents were nowhere to be found. It reminded him a lot of growing up with his four older brothers. How his mother stayed sane with that much testosterone in this house was still kind of stunning.

When they reached the top of the stairs, he headed straight for Wiley’s office and turned left for the utility closet. He waved toward the office with one hand as he passed through. “This is where Wiley works. He’s a comic book artist when he isn’t researching spells for the Circle. Wiley and Baer’s room is to the right, and the room off the closet belongs to Calder, Lucien, and Gio.”