“Ever since Hale appeared last year, it was like we were living on borrowed time. A giant countdown clock was hanging over our heads, and it never occurred to me that we’d have a shot at this.” He turned and rested his hip against the dresser, shooting Clay the most adorable smirk. “I didn’t think we’d get this chance to have an entire life together.”

Clay’s own smile softened. “After the death of your wife and child, you were living like you didn’t want a life at all,” he murmured, knowing that Dane’s first family was still fresh in his mind considering they’d just had the anniversary of their death a month ago.

“I didn’t.” Dane’s eyes sparkled with appreciation. “But this past month, I’ve realized that the pain has started to dim and I’m not holding on to it like I used to. You have given me so much joy. We have so much to live for.”

“I think Katie would be very happy to hear you say that,” Clay said around the lump that had grown in his throat. He’d never met Dane’s wife, but he hoped that Katie believed he was doing a good job of taking care of Dane.

With a hard swallow, Dane nodded. “She would. She would have been pissed at how long I mourned her and how I was living. She would be happy that we found each other and that we’ve pulled together this crazy family.” He paused and drew in a deep shaky breath. “That’s why I was thinking that maybe we could look into expanding our family.”

Clay shoved to his feet, but once he was standing, he wasn’t entirely sure his legs would continue to hold him up. His heart had started to race ahead while his brain was still trying to figure out what Dane was saying. He couldn’t possibly be saying…

“We could look into adoption or maybe surrogacy, but I would like us to think about having a child,” Dane continued.

And suddenly Clay was there, holding his husband tightly in his arms, covering his mouth in a kiss deep enough to taste his amazing soul. Tears were possibly slipping down his cheeks, but he didn’t care. Dane wanted to have a baby with him. He wanted to build their own family.

“There’s nothing to think about,” Clay said in a rough voice when he finally lifted his mouth from Dane’s. He pressed his forehead to Dane’s, his entire body trembling with joy. “Yes. I want to have a child with you. Several, in fact. I want us to build a warm, loving home with kids and doting uncles. I want all of that with you.”

A noise escaped Dane that was somewhere between a laugh and a broken sob. “I knew you would. You’ve always given me everything I could want. Thank you for waiting for me to be ready for this next step.”

Clay closed his eyes, holding on to Dane as tight as he possibly could. “Anything for you. You are my heart and my soul. My other half. I am perfectly complete having only you in my life.”

Dane lifted his head and their eyes met. “But someday very soon, we are going to be three.”

“I’m ready to go on this new adventure with you.”


Baer was looking for his mate when he heard a whoop come from his office. Since it was a happy sound, he didn’t pick up the pace, but he was smiling as he walked into the room. Of course, Wiley always made him smile. He fingered the pendant around his neck and watched as Wiley did some kind of happy dance around the room. He was so damn cute, Baer threw his head back and laughed.

“What brought this on?” he asked once he was looking at Wiley again.

Wiley, in tight skinny jeans and a Captain America T-shirt, boogied over to him and threw his arms around his neck. “The Weavers was nominated for best new series in the Eisner Awards!”

Baer only knew about the awards because Wiley had been on pins and needles waiting for the nominations to be announced. He hugged him close. “Congratulations, babe! I’m so happy for you.”

Wiley had turned their adventures into a series of comics that were, frankly, amazing. He’d changed their names, of course, and set the books in another city, but everyone played a part in the stories. Baer particularly liked his character since Wiley had drawn him pretty damn buff. What was even better was that he’d made all the characters LGBTQ, and they’d been received with high praise.

Dancing away from him, Wiley went to the shelf where he’d had action figure replicas made of his characters and picked up the one of Baer. He kissed it and put it back on the shelf.

“I’d rather you kissed the real me.”

Wiley winked and returned to him, jumping into his arms. He wrapped his arms and legs around Baer and hugged him tight. Baer gripped his ass and pressed him as close as possible before slanting his mouth over Wiley’s. He slid his tongue into his mouth and tasted his man, his beautiful, beautiful man, who made his world so special. The kiss deepened as Wiley moaned into his mouth. He smelled of the fresh air coming in through the open French doors.