And I realize…October wants to fix that wrong.

She has always had a big heart, and I understand how something like this could’ve destroyed her. If this is the final piece to putting October Brambilla back together, then I need to be okay with her decision.

Even if it really fucking hurts.

“Sheriff Carmichael might be in on it,” Parry says. “I suspect Effie told the town council and they likely involved him.”

Brian frowns. “Why do you think more people are involved?”

“Anna Roberts told October to drop it when she mentioned Augustine Anders. The Roberts, Brambillas—they all must’ve known what this would lead to.”

Oh my God. “They were protecting October,” I say softly.

Guilt has left her features. Replaced with fortified resolve. “I’m going to make this right. I’ll go to the police in Sandusky.”

Babette is shaking her head, panicked. “Just let this go, OB. No one will know.”

“I will,” October says strongly. “I will always know.”

My heart clenches like a fist is squeezing and rupturing the organ, but I tighten my hold on October’s hand. I’m here. I’m here. I’m at her side, and I’m not letting her do this alone. I’ll be with her.

I’m leaving soon. The thought weighs like ten tons of lead inside me.

Thunder rumbles, and the weather steals our focus. Flames extinguish on a few candles. Smoke billowing into the air. A chill slithers down my spine.


“Fuck,” Parry curses and jumps.

“Was that thunder?” I ask out loud.

Brian eagle-eyes the door, his hand protective on Parry’s shoulder.

The banging is louder. More incessant.

Colt shares a cautious glance with Brian, and then Colt picks up a shard of glass from the broken rum bottle. And he says, “Someone is at the door.”

Babette takes a few steps towards the stove, and October draws me behind her back. “Stay, Zoey.”

“I’m fine—”

“Listen to your girlfriend,” Brian growls at me.

I’m not correcting him on the title. That’s what I wish we could be. Girlfriends. And I’m going to pretend that’s what we are. Until I can’t pretend anymore.

But I ask them, “What if this is just a tourist caught in the storm?”

“We’re about to find out without you—back up,” Brian waves me further backwards.

Jesus Christ. I go and stand next to Babette. She’s slipping on her gloves and then grabs a fire poker. She tosses the weapon to October.

I didn’t realize we’re in an episode of The Walking Dead. As Brian procures a baseball bat from behind the bar, I half expect to see a hoard of zombies bursting through The Drunk Pelican.


I flinch at the pounding.

Parry takes a seat on the barstool, trying to calm himself down with a shot of tequila.

If that is a fist, this person is strong. And persistent.

Brian and Colt go to the door together. “Who are you?!”

“I’m from out of town!” I barely hear.

“Don’t let him in,” Parry says tightly. “Brian.”

Brian slips an affectionate look to Parry—I don’t know what else to call that look, but then Brian barks through the door, “We’re closed! Try the Wharf!”

“Seriously?” October snaps.

Babette shakes her head with a sigh. “Predictable.”

“ZOEY?!” the guy shouts.

My brothers slowly turn their heads to me.

I go cold.

I recognize that voice. A voice from Chicago.


I’m freaked out. No—freaked out is an understatement to what I am. His anger feels more visceral out loud than just through text. More cutting. I can’t move.

October looks ready to skewer him with the iron poker. And she hasn’t even seen his face yet. Or heard that he broke into my apartment.

“Do you know this guy?” Brian asks with scrunched brows.

“Yeah.” My pulse speeds. “He’s sort of my ex.”


Zoey Durand

“The dull, boring ex?” October questions like he sounds awful. “This is the same guy?”

“That’s the one.” Boring sounds like a total mischaracterization now, but in hindsight, the worst he ever did was make me fall asleep while he was talking. Not exactly red flags like he’s been tossing around lately. “He was never hateful or angry.” I jump at the banging on the door that continues.

Everyone is looking at me, and I try to explain my three-year relationship in a matter of minutes. “I met him at college, and we became fast friends. He knew my entire family was miles away, so he kind of became that for me. But then we ended up at the same job, and he just kind of always wanted to care for me. Drive me to work. Pick me up. Go out to eat every night. I’d never had anyone always around like that. I guess the only way to explain it was overwhelming.” I avoid looking at my brothers or October, and instead focus on Parry. He gives me this warm consoling nod to keep going.

I take a breath. “We dated and it got worse, but I always talked myself out of it. Like I was the silly one for thinking he was being anything but protective. When I finally ended things, I figured it’d be easier to stay friends since we worked together and hung out with the same people. But that was two years ago. He hasn’t been a problem since the breakup.”