Page 19 of I'll Be Taking This

“So, where are you taking me on our date?” I ask, changing the subject to a happier one.

He grins as he holds me tight. “I was thinking of a nice restaurant. Do you like Italian?”

“I love it.” My mouth is already watering thinking of warm garlic bread, although I can’t eat too much of it if I want to remain kissable.

“Good. It has a beautiful oceanfront view and I already booked their best table.”

I slide my hand over his hard chest as I smile at him. “I can’t wait.”

“And then I was thinking after dinner, we could walk along the boardwalk, get some cotton candy, and browse around in this huge second hand bookstore they have.”

My smile widens. “You know exactly how to spoil a nerdy girl.”

He kisses me softly on the lips. “Nerdy girls are the best.”

I laugh as he pulls away. “Then you’re going to love me!”

Dinner was amazing, but this… is incredible. It’s a huge eccentric second hand bookstore set up in the most amazing way with real life trees towering up through holes in the ceiling. The store is built around them.

I look up in wonder at an enormous maple tree as we step over the big roots that are snaking along the floor between shelves of books. Adorable little birds are zipping through the room, darting from one tree to another before flying out of the open doors, coming and going as they please.

“This place is amazing!” I say as I look around in awe. There are books everywhere, trees everywhere, and my beautiful new boyfriend—my three favorite things in life.

“I’m just afraid of flying squirrels,” Jackson says with a chuckle as he looks up at the branches.

I’ve gotten to know him more and he’s such a fascinating man. He’s smart, funny, and well-read. He’s done so much in such a short amount of time. Over dinner he told me about his plans to amass a hotel empire and I was just sitting there mesmerized by his words the entire time, hoping that I could have a front row seat to watch him build it. I want to be by his side the entire time, helping, supporting, and cheering him on.

“Look at this!” I say as I spot a first edition Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone on display behind some glass. “Oh my god, it’s signed!”

I nearly squeal in excitement. I’m a huge Potter nerd. I always have been.

My whole body tingles in excitement as I rush over and stare at it with my tongue hanging out. I just want to take it out and run my fingertips over the rough pages and glossy cover. I want to smell its musky scent.

“You want it?” Jackson says with a smile. “It’s yours.”

That’s when I spot the price tag. “No! Jackson, no. It’s six thousand dollars!”

“Don’t worry about the price,” he says. “If my girl wants it, she’s going to get it.”

I grab his arm and protest, saying it’s too much as he waves a salesperson over. He’s not having any of it. He ignores every single one of my objections as he tells the young girl that he’ll take the book.

A few minutes later, he places the amazing book in my hands and I nearly faint. I run my fingertips along the flawless spine and over the rough pages. It’s every bit as perfect as I thought it would be.

I can’t wait to visit Hogwarts again, but this time it will be in a signed first edition copy. Incredible.

“Thank you,” I say as I step on my toes and kiss Jackson on the lips. “I don’t know what to say. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

“It’s the first of many,” he says as he hugs me. “I hope you’re ready for a lifetime of getting spoiled.”

A lifetime…

We haven’t discussed the horrible fact of this unexpected and amazing situation—we both live in different parts of the country.

It’s only when we’re walking hand-in-hand along the beach that I bring it up.

“So, is this not just a vacation fling?” I ask.

Jackson abruptly stops and turns to me with those beautiful blue eyes shining in the moonlight. It’s a full moon tonight that’s reflecting off the dark water. The bright colorful lights of the boardwalk are behind him and the soft sound of the muted music is serenading us on the beach. It’s a beautiful spot with a beautiful man.

“This is a lifetime thing,” he says in a serious tone. “I want you forever, Ella. You’re my girl. I’m not going to let you go because you live in a different state.”

“So, what are you suggesting?”

“It’s your last year of college,” he says as he takes my hands. I love the way they’re so big and swallow mine. “I’ll rent an apartment next to your college and you can live with me.”