Kazimir continued, “There are also positions that need to be filled within the brotherhood and property should be divided. Many of the brothers have come to Moscow.”

“You will not need my help with that.”

“I will. But we’ll talk more about that soon. For now, the party will be around—”

“I may not be able to make it.”

“Misha, I want to celebrate my mouse and our winning. And most of all, I want to talk to you.”

“Why don’t you come to St. Petersburg instead?”

The trip might keep him off my back.

“Why would I do that?” he asked.

“I have tickets to the ballet. Your mouse would love it.”

“She might. Your ballerina is from New York?”

I wasn’t a fan of Kazimir remembering anything about Ava, but I kept in my annoyance. “Yes. She’s from the Bronx.”

“Emily and she may get along, but where is Maxwell?”

I frowned. “Didn’t I already say I’m going to him? He’s with Valentina.”

“She told me that they were together yesterday, but this morning, I’ve been calling her line and his. Neither will answer. Truthfully, I didn’t think Maxwell and Valentina would last no longer than a few hours.”

“They won’t, because I need him.”

“For what?” Kazimir asked.

“My complications.”

“You must have done something pretty stupid.”

“Goodbye, cousin.”

“When you’re done with your complications, Maxwell and you need to head to Moscow for the party.”

Dear God. More about this party! Since when has Kazimir thrown a party? And since when has he been so excited about one?

I gritted my teeth, ready to sling the phone at the elevator as it opened. “I don’t have time for Moscow.”

“You do.”

“I don’t.”

“You still have a father to bury, Misha.”

“That is not Moscow. It’s Prague. Stay on one topic.”

“Both must be done. With your father gone, you have a duty to the brotherhood.”

I rubbed my face. “Goodbye, Kazimir. We will talk soon.”

Getting on the elevator, I hung up.

My father’s funeral had moved to the back of my mind. Earlier, I’d sought revenge. Once we sniffed out Luka as the traitor, we killed them. I’d been right on track, ready to head back to Prague to do my duty as the Old Fox’s son.

But, we had already been in St. Petersburg. New thoughts sprang to my mind.

Why not go to the ballet? Why not see Ava? Why not watch her perform and feel my cock get hard, while I watched her spin on those pointed toes? Why not send her dozens of roses at the end? Why not take her home and fuck her hard?

I’m sorry, Father. I still have to bury you. I will, but I’m alive and I want to live.

I shoved that out of my head, knowing Kazimir would call again. There was no way I would make his silly party. He would have to get over it.

A party? What has gotten into him?

This new woman—the mouse—had truly changed the beast. Perhaps, the mouse could control him, or keep him occupied longer than all the others.

Poor girl. She has no idea who she’s dealing with.

But that was not my concern for now. My focus needed to be on getting help with Ava’s grandmother. While I had plenty men that could come to my rescue, Maxwell held special qualities in this matter. He was from New York and had connected with Ava as if he could relate to where she came from.

He was also African American. I didn’t know if that mattered or not, but I would take any suggestions. There was a difference to our cultures that I needed to factor in.

It also helped that Maxwell wouldn’t be as much of an idiot as Fuego.

Getting off the elevator, I headed down the hallway.

Usually when Valentina dated a man or women, she liked to test them in a brothel. Love was a game for the spoiled princess. In her favorite spots, she always surrounded them with tons of naked girls to see if they could remain loyal.

I wonder if Maxwell has passed her little test.

I received my answer, when I rounded the corner on the third floor.

Maxwell stood outside her door naked. Light brown skin. Hazel eyes. Tall with a good bit of muscle. Not a bad looking guy. I was surprised no one had kidnapped him. He must have been standing nude in the hallway for quite a long time.

That solves the mystery of whose clothes were on the front lawn.

Although Maxwell’s hands were large, they didn’t do a good job of hiding his cock as he cupped it with his fingers. As soon as he spotted me, he shook his head.

You threw his clothes out the window, Valentina? So, predictable. At least you didn’t set this one’s on fire and then throw them outside.

I stopped in front of Maxwell. “Good morning.”

“She kicked me out. I’ve been knocking for the past twenty minutes. She won’t open the fucking door.”