“I myself didn’t realize how very fast he was, Elgin. I only won a couple hundred pounds, nothing really.”
Jason said, “Do I wish you well, Elgin? Will you be marrying Brutus’s mistress?”
“Yes. Thank God she isn’t like Hallie. She knows nothing about horses and would be disgusted were she to have to witness a mating. She knows when to yell her head off at the races and that’s enough for any woman. Her father doesn’t know much more, except biting. He enjoys seeing his horses bite the competition.”
“Then you’ll have a free hand,” Jason said. He walked to the fireplace to lean against the mantel, arms folded over his chest. “Charles, do you recall telling me that no one tried to shoot either your jockeys or horses because the consequences were so painful?”
Charles Grandison nodded.
“Hallie and I agreed that we would outdo you if anyone had the nerve to try to cause us harm. I am here to tell Lord Grimsby of his punishment.”
“Now, see here—”
“My lord,” Charles said in a sigh, stretching his long legs out in front of him, “did I not tell you not to try your skullduggery on Jason? Did I not tell you that he was a serious man? Look at what he did to my jockey for a small jostle during the race.”
“Yes, but he knows nothing about racing, nothing at all! He raced in America, the former Colonies, for God’s sake. There is nothing there, nothing remarkable, including horses or jockeys.”
“Actually, the Americans have skullduggery down to a fine art. I hated it there as well.”
“You won the damned race, Jason. You said you were going to announce my punishment? You young pup, your father won’t allow you to do anything to me, why I’ve known him and your mother since before you and your twin were born.”
“That’s a very long time, my lord,” Jason said, and shook his head. “That’s why I am surprised you would be so stupid. Can you imagine my father ever allowing anyone to harm someone close to him?”
“Your father understands racing, understands the risks, the challenges, the little eccentricities. Another thing, you are not your father. All know never to cross him, or there’s hell to pay.”
“You’re right, I am not my father. Actually, both James and I are much meaner. Now, I have weighed both Kindred’s and Potter’s guilt in this matter. I’m not sending them to Botany Bay. My wife has devised a much more effective punishment. You will see two very chastened men when they return here. I imagine news of their punishment will spread. Everyone will hear about it. It will be more and more difficult for owners to find minions to do their mischief. As for you, sir, as I’ve said, I’ve decided upon you
r punishment.”
“Impudent puppy!”
“You won’t race for a full year, indeed, not until the Beckshire race next August.”
Lord Grimsby jumped to his feet, his face crimson, shaking his fist in Jason’s face. “You can’t give me orders like that, you young bastard! I won’t stand for it. Get out of my house!”
Charles said, “Jason, don’t misunderstand me, I think it’s excellent retribution. But tell me how you will prevent Lord Grimsby from racing for a year.”
“You’ve used beatings against the actual miscreants, Charles, and you wounded two owners in duels when they shot one of your jockeys and one of your horses. I don’t like duels, they’re too dangerous, the outcome too unpredictable. And they are against the law. I don’t fancy having to haul my wife off to the Continent or back to Baltimore because I got caught after shooting some fool racehorse owner. No, I prefer something more bloodless, but infinitely more painful.”
Lord Grimsby looked faintly alarmed now. “I will race, damn you! What is bloodless?”
Jason said in a very low voice to Lord Grimsby, “You will not race for a year, sir, or else Elgin Sloane, this precious relative of yours, won’t be allowed near Elsie Blaystock. Indeed, her father might shoot him. I will also see to it that every heiress he wants, flies away. And what, I ask you, will happen to Elgin’s family if he is unable to provide for them?”
“You can’t do that,” Elgin said, alarmingly pale now, sitting forward in his chair. “I didn’t do anything to your damned jockey—he did. I’m not to blame.”
“Then you’d best convince Lord Grimsby to agree to my terms. Just as you convinced him to push your suit with Hallie Carrick.”
Lord Grimsby waved his fist in Elgin’s nose. “You try to convince me of anything, and I’ll break your bloody face, you paltry excuse for a man! Besides, there is no way Jason can prevent you from marrying Elsie Blaystock or any other heiress you choose. I have some power here. I can forestall anything he’d try to do. I know you must have money. I’ll see that you wed.” He whirled back to Jason. “Of course he must have money for his family.”
Jason said pleasantly, “That is the big concern, isn’t it, sir?”
“Of course it is,” Lord Grimsby said as he began pacing. He paused to shake his fist in Jason’s direction, then gave Elgin a look of pure hate.
Charles said, “I fancy, dear Jason, that your father will assist you.”
Jason smiled. “He would, if I asked him, but I don’t see the need, at least in Lord Grimsby’s case. He will do as I ask, with only my boot lowered to his neck. As for Elgin here, I fancy my father would enjoy speaking to Mr. Blaystock about who his daughter marries.”