“Where is the epergne?”

“William took it back to Pendragon. It was very well wrapped because he was riding and wanted it protected.”

Now that he recalled, Thomas had seen a bundle set just inside the front doors of Pendragon.

Well, damnation.

Thomas returned to Pendragon. Teddy MacGraff said Jenny hadn’t been found as yet. The search for her continued, William leading it.

Thomas went to see his wife, who appeared to be deep in thought. He watched her from the doorway for a moment, so grateful that she would be all right, so absolutely grateful to every power that be that she hadn’t been killed, that he nearly shouted with it.

He said, swallowing, “Meggie.”

She looked up, her brow clearing. “Did you find out anything?”

He shook his head.

She chewed her bottom lip a moment, then whispered, “Could you perhaps come here and hold me for a little while?”

He held her until she lightly shoved against his chest. He eased her back down against her pillow.

He told her what Lord Kipper had said.

“So William couldn’t have anything to do with her disappearance.”

“It appears not.”

“Who, Thomas? Who could have taken her?”

He shook his head. He knew it was driving her mad. It was driving him mad as well.

Two days later Meggie was reclining on the once gold sofa, now showing as dismal grayish yellow in the sunlight that filled the drawing room, when her father and Mary Rose appeared in the doorway.

She started to jump up, realized if she did, it wouldn’t be a good thing, and gave them her biggest smile.

Tysen felt a leap of love and relief at that beautiful smile. She was alive; she would be all right. He’d had

to see her, see that smile of hers, to really believe she would be all right. He made it to that ugly sofa in under two seconds. He held his daughter gingerly, then more closely when he realized it was her left shoulder that was bandaged. He kissed her cheek and breathed in the rose scent of her.

“Oh God, I prayed and prayed, Meggie.” He kissed her forehead, her nose, hugged her as close as he could without hurting her. “Everything will be fine now. You’re coming home with Mary Rose and me.”

“I’m very glad to see both of you.” Meggie raised her face from her father’s neck and smiled at Mary Rose. “Are the boys all well?”

“Oh yes. They can’t wait to see you. They hounded us to let them come, but I didn’t want to take any chances.”

“You look beautiful, Mary Rose.”

“Thank you, Meggie, but that’s just my outsides. My insides have been a boiling cauldron of mushy fear for you. You’re looking much better than I’d thought you would, thank the good Lord.”


Meggie slowly raised her head at the sound of that voice. Jeremy was standing in the doorway, Thomas behind him. There was absolutely no expression on her husband’s face, but those dark eyes of his were as flat as a calm sea.


“We are relieved to see you alive.”

“I am as well.” She got hold of herself. “Now, what are you doing here?” And she cursed the fact that he was here. She wasn’t glad to see him. However, the sight of him hadn’t made her heart speed up, hadn’t made her want to cry with the endless wanting of him. No, seeing him had made her want to frown, and tell him to go away.