Mike called Ben from the cab as they raced through the streets of Geneva, put him on speaker so Nicholas could hear.

“Hey, Mike. Good timing.”

“What in the world is happening there?”

“Other than I’m up to my butt in dead mobsters and wished I had a beer, nothing much.”

“Ben, quit being funny and tell me what happened.”

He did, then said, “Sherlock thinks it’s the same guy who killed Kochen and Elaine. He could also be the guy who attacked you and Nicholas last night in the garage. As for his dead partner, he simply left him to bleed out. Savich thinks he found what he wanted.

“Two more sons, Yuri and Toms, came in, saw their father and two brothers dead and attacked straight off. Savich put them both down, neat as you please. So far no one in the neighborhood saw anything.

“Now, back to the Fox. The bomb boys have a signature on the C-4 explosive from the Met exhibit. It’s out of Tunisia. They’re looking to compare it to the explosive used on Anatoly’s safe. No tests yet, but they think it’s the same.

“Neither Yuri or Toms Anatoly know what was in the safe. There are three more sons. We’ve called them to come in and talk to us. Paulie and Louisa are tearing the place apart, but so far, nothing you wouldn’t expect in a huge house like this one.”

Nicholas said, “Ben, we have a tentative ID on the man with white hair—we think he’s another master thief called the Ghost. Could be he’s partnered up with Browning. We don’t know exactly how he ties in to the theft of the Koh-i-Noor, but he does.”

Ben whistled. “Lot of coincidences piling up. And you know how we feel about coincidences.”

“There aren’t any. You got anything else, Ben?” Mike asked.

“Yeah, one other thing. We got a warrant in, and I tracked Elaine’s funds. She paid Kochen three equal installments of five thousand dollars apiece.”

Nicholas said, “Any indication why she paid him this money?”

“No. You guys watch your backs, okay? There’s some bad people around.”

“We will. Call me if you find anything else.”

She punched off her cell and turned to Nicholas. “Ben’s right. Talk about a case twisting in on itself.”

She saw his expression was remote. When he replied, his voice was distant. “So Elaine was paying Kochen.”

She lightly touched his arm. “I’m sorry.”

He shook himself. “Doesn’t means she’s guilty of anything yet, Mike.”

The cabdriver slowed, slid to the curb, and grunted at them, “Three euros.”

Nicholas handed the money through the slot. “Here’s our stop. Let’s go see what the Fox was up to, and maybe things will begin to make sense.”


Loire Valley, near Chartres, France

Lanighan estate

Thirty years ago

Saleem was eight when his father took him to visit his grandfather one last time before the old man was expected to die. At his request, Saleem was left alone in the study for an audience with the dying Lion.

The fire was the only light in the room. His grandfather’s chair sat squarely before the fire, close enough for the old man to warm his bones. There was nothing wrong with his hearing. The moment the servants softly closed the door behind them, he commanded, “Come here to me, boy.”

Saleem edged forward. His grandfather had changed so much since their last visit. The man who’d held him on his knee and hugged him close was gone, replaced by this ancient gray thing sitting too close to the fire.