Page 36 of Savior

“It’s the cheese and sausage that make them even better. Whole new flavor blend. I’m still sad you wouldn’t let me add pineapple.”

“Fruit isn’t supposed to be cooked.”

“What about pies?”

“I’ve never had one. At least not a fruit pie. Chocolate pie is to die for.”

I didn’t know why it still surprised me to discover all the things she’d never tried, but I’d taken our time together to help her experience new things. It made me appreciate them all the more watching her enjoy them.

“I’ll have my mom make one. She makes the best apple pies.”

“I’m willing to try. Hell, I doubted your mushroom on pizza and look at me now.”

She lifted the slice to her mouth and bit down, her eyes sliding closed as she hummed in pleasure. Alexandra was always so happy when she ate and I liked watching her enjoy the things she hadn’t been able to before. We’d probably had pizza about five times in the last two weeks because she said she loved it so much but could never have afforded anything past the occasional Dollar Store cheap stuff.

I never turned her down when she asked for pizza, even if it meant I had to work a little harder at the gym.

She’d been so thin when I first met her and after a couple weeks, she’d put on some weight. Her cheeks were less hollow, her skin had more color to it. Her breasts fuller. Her ass and thighs thicker. More weight was doing her good, even if it did have my gaze lingering longer than necessary.

She took one last bite and pushed the plate away. “I can’t eat anymore. Take it.”

I laughed and grabbed the box.

“Hey, you want to watch a movie? I’m so behind on everything since we didn’t have a television.”

Warning bells rang in my head. Don’t be dumb. Go to bed and keep your distance. For the love of God, walk away.

She stared at me with crystalline eyes, wide and hopeful.


You’re so fucked.

But her smile shut down the negative voice. She was so damn positive and everything made her giddy. No one who had been through what she’d been through should be that happy, but she was. It was admirable and it would get her far. She would have gotten far even without me, but I liked that I could make her success easier.

By the time I had the kitchen cleaned up and everything thrown away, she had Blockers ready to go. She flipped the blanket back and patted the couch next to her, all innocence. There was no seduction shining behind her eyes, no ulterior motive. It lured me into a false sense of security like maybe all my pushing had her thoughts of heroism gone and she no longer was attracted to me.

That lie got me through the whole movie. It helped me keep my hands to myself as she laughed so hard she was wiping tears from her eyes. The lie made me feel safe enough to voice my own curiosity.

“Can I ask you a question?”

Her head tipped back on the couch and turned to look at me with one brow arched. “You can. I may not answer though,” she repeated my same words back to me.

“How are you nineteen and still a virgin?”

“It’s not like I’m forty,” she scoffed.

“I know, but it’s uncommon in this day and age.”

“I don’t know. There wasn’t anyone really great around where I was. No one that I felt safe enough with to even consider feeling attraction.” She shrugged before shifting to face me. “Plus my sister didn’t make it seem all that appealing.”

“You ever have a boyfriend?”


“Kissed?” The question slipped out, lower and more intimate than I’d planned.

A slow smile curled her lips. “Well, yeah. I kissed you.”

“Was I your only kiss?” I asked, shocked.

Her eyes dropped a bit before looking back up, a blush staining her cheeks. “Among other first experiences.”

Her soft moans as her hips moved faster over my lap flashed in my mind, instantly bringing my dick to life.

“Actually,” she began, “I don’t think you get credit for my first orgasm. I kind of did that myself against you and I could have accomplished the same thing against a pillow. So maybe you’re not that great.”

No inner voice giving me warnings about giving her space and to keep this neutral could stop my male pride from rearing its head. I narrowed my eyes and shifted to face her, leaning an arm on the back of the couch to crowd her. “Not that great?” I growled.

The smile she’d been trying to hold back broke free even as the slight blush became a rosy red that spread down her neck. “Nah. I’m still waiting for someone to give me my first real orgasm.”

A roaring sound filled my ears, like a wave washing away all common sense. In its place was me beating my chest demanding she acknowledge that she came against my crotch because I made her. I leaned in closer. “I gave you your first orgasm.”