Page 52 of Savior

“Who is it?” I asked because, of course, they would let me know if they were a serial killer on the other side.

“Miss Hughes. I’m William, your driver for the night. Mr. Brandt was held up and sent me to get you myself.”

I cracked the door and when he didn’t come barging in, I opened it all the way. “Let me just grab my purse.”

I grabbed the little gold bag and followed William to the elevator. Somehow I managed to keep my jaw from hitting the ground when he led me out to a Rolls-freaking-Royce. I didn’t know anything about cars, but I knew a Rolls Royce was an over-the-top impressive name. The car even smelled like luxury, like they rubbed freshly printed one-hundred dollar bills over everything.

The only thing that penetrated my complete fascination with the vehicle was my anxiety. Each mile we rolled closer to the event, I became more and more nervous. All of a sudden the reasons I thought Erik had left me behind came rushing back.

What if I embarrassed him? I’d never done anything like this before. I’d never dressed up and mingled with rich people. In that car, I felt young and naive about the world.

And as if she knew when my guard was down, Leah messaged me.

Leah: I miss you.

Me: I miss you too.

It was an easy response and it wasn’t a lie. It just wasn’t what she thought. I missed my sister from five years before, not the one messaging me now.

Leah: Please help me out. I just need a little cash.

Me: Leave Oscar.

Leah: Why are you like this? Why are you trying to take away the one good thing in my life? You’re being a controlling bitch.

Closing my eyes, I swallowed the pain and took a deep, cleansing breath, and powered the phone down. We stopped in front of the Cincinnati Music Hall and William came around to open my door. Stepping out, my sister’s words fell away and I refocused my attention on the large, red brick building. I followed behind the people walking in pairs and groups up the steps and through the glass doors.

William had informed me that Erik would meet me in the far left corner of the room and was expecting me. I strolled into the large foyer and walked slowly as to not bump into anyone. I couldn’t stop looking around at the old architecture. The tall cream pillars supporting the second-floor balcony. The lights shining down on the deep red and cream checkered floor. All around sat tables with items to bid on, tables for people to chat around as waiters moved silently offering drinks and hors d’oeuvres.

I wove my way between the crowd until I saw Erik’s dark hair and broad shoulders. My steps slowed and I took him in. I’d seen him in many suits, but a tux was a whole new ballgame. He looked debonair and delicious.

I thought of the first time I’d met him and how he’d taken up too much room. He took up too much room here, too. Even ten feet away, I could feel his presence as though he stood right next to me.

“Mr. Brandt.” I spoke his name quietly as not to interrupt the other man talking. I hadn’t known what to call him and decided to err on the side of formal.

“Alexandra.” My name fell on a breath from his lips as he took me in from head to toe and back again. His gaze stroked every inch of my body like a possessive touch and I could only imagine that my cheeks matched the burgundy of my dress. I hoped the amount of makeup I wore covered most of the blush. “You look stunning.”

Someone cleared their throat and snapped Erik out of his stupor.

“Alexandra, you look gorgeous.” Carina stepped across their circle and gave me a hug, easing my anxiety.

“Thank you.” I stepped back and took in her cream, empire waist dress. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”

She smiled and shrugged, completely confident in her own looks. She was awesome.

“Let me introduce you to the other half of our company. This is Jake Wellington.”

One of the men stepped forward and smiled. He had the softest blue eyes and I struggled to not get lost in them. “It’s nice to meet you. And this is my fiancé, Jackson,” Jake said, gesturing to another tall, broad specimen with eyes begging me to keep staring.

“Alexandra,” Erik growled my name and pulled my attention back to him. His narrowed eyes and pursed lips let me know he didn’t appreciate my ogling. Well, too bad. A girl could stare.

“Alexandra is an intern and helping me with the Bergamo and Brandt project,” Carina explained. “She came up with the marketing layout I showed you,” she said to Jake.

His eyebrows rose. “Very impressive. Erik is a lucky man to have you at his company.”