“Just trust me,” he said. “It’s the most natural thing in the world, I promise. It’s something that a man loves to do.”

When she felt his warm mouth against her, felt him lift her hips in his large hands, she felt only a brief instant of shock. She’d never imagined that he would . . . Her thoughts broke off and she felt a sudden tension building, felt her legs stiffening.

“Michael!” she cried, and arched upward, offering herself to him fully.

“That’s it, love,” Saint said, dazed by her response to him. “God, the sweet taste of you, the softness . . .”

Her body began to convulse even as he spoke, and he felt the shuddering pleasure consume her. He felt powerful, and tender, and so pleased that his own need was temporarily held in check. He caressed her until she quieted. He wanted her to experience every pleasurable feeling, he wanted . . . Again, he thought. Yes, again. He caressed her until she quivered, then cried out. He thought his own world complete at that moment. So much passion in her, he thought, so very much passion.

“Now, don’t be afraid,” he said, and very gently he came down over her.

“Yes,” Jules said, dazed, her body still awash with the marvelous sensations. “I’m not afraid. Not of you.”

“I’ll go slowly, Jules, very slowly.” She watched his face as he guided himself into her. He closed his eyes a moment when he entered her, felt her stretching for him, and stopped.

“It’s all right,” Jules said, seeing his concern for her. “You are so beautiful, Michael, like a god. Please, please, come into me.” And he was like a god, she thought. A pagan god. She watched him, his powerful body poised over her, the muscles rippling in his arms, his strong legs tensed. She gasped in wonder as he thrust forward, deeply into her, and she held his shuddering body tightly. “Oh,” she whispered. “You are part of me.”

Her simple words wrought a dramatic change. She heard him curse, watched him arch his back and throw his head back, felt the surge of his seed, and softly cried out at his joy.

“Thank you, Michael,” she said softly, her hands stroking down his smooth back.

Saint felt shattered, then laughed at his nonsensical thought. He knew he was too heavy for her, but when he made to move, she tightened her hold around his back.

“I love you, you know,” she said. “I’ve loved you since I was twelve years old. Or was it thirteen?”

His entire body quivered at her words, and to his chagrin, he felt himself harden inside her. “No,” he said, more to himself than to her, “I don’t want to hurt you.” He pulled out of her, rolled to his side, bringing her with him, and clasped her full length against him.

“You were twelve,” he said, tangling his finger in her wild, soft hair.

“It seems forever. I’m sticky,” she added, kissing his shoulder and weaving her fingers though the hair on his chest.

“Yes, I imagine so,” he said tenderly. “Will you forgive me, Jules?”

“I will if you promise never to call me Juliana again.”

“No, I shouldn’t do that. I can just imagine some of our future arguments. ‘Juliana’ comes trippingly off the tongue when I’m angry with you.”

“All right,” she said agreeably. She sighed and nestled closer. “That was nice, very nice. You can thrash me if you promise to end it like that.”

“You didn’t think at all about Wilkes, or about John—”

“No, not for a moment. My weak woman’s mind has quite recovered. After all, Michael, I did take off my own nightgown and toss it into the corner, with no help from you.”

“No more derringers?”

She hesitated, but just a moment. “No,” she said, shuddering a bit from reaction. “That was awful. I think I must have been somewhat deranged.”

“No,” he laughed, “just starved for your husband.”

“You do have a lot to make up for,” she said, slipping her hand between their bodies.

“Jules, you’re probably sore. You are quite small, you know, and I felt you stretching to hold me, to take me into you.”

“You don’t know,” she said, “you can’t imagine what it feels like, Michael. I think it’s much nicer to be a woman. You become part of me, you know. I possess you.”

“Possess me?” he said, grinning as he kissed her temple. “I’ve never heard a woman say that before.”

“You, inside of me, filling me. I like it very much.”