Ezra brought in a silver tray some while later, his disappointment evident when Thomas dismissed him.

“How is Bunker?” she asked as she stirred a bit of milk into her tea.

“Much better,” Thomas said absently, then smiled. “In fact, he’s a terror. He’ll be back to his old self in no time, I think. Saint was right about his constitution. I begin to believe he’ll outlive us all.”

“And Penelope?”

“She is fine,” he said abruptly.

Jules frowned a bit at this most unloverlike reply, but didn’t dwell on it. She was too frightened.

“You were right not to tell Saint about this,” Thomas said.

“Yes, I know, but I also realize that if he ever finds out, he’ll be furious with me. He’s so proud, you know, but—”

“Yes, but,” Thomas said, interrupting her. “Thackery is your only protection. It is not enough, not with Saint helpless as a baby.”

“Michael smashed my derringer,” Jules said, wishing now that she’d bought a dozen of the deadly small guns. She saw the look of bewildered astonishment on her brother’s face, and added quickly, “No, I refuse to explain. It doesn’t matter now in any case.” To her relief, Thomas let it pass. She watched him rise and begin to pace the library. He came to an abrupt halt, whirled to face her, a wide grin on his face.

“Here’s what we’re going to do, little sister. My new wife and I will move into your house until Wilkes is out of your life once and for all.”

Jules’s mouth dropped open. She waved a helpless hand at the opulent room. “Thomas, you can’t take Penelope away from this! Our house is small, and the spare bedroom would seem to her like a servant’s room!”

“She is my wife,” Thomas said in a very stern voice, “and she will do as I bid her.”

“But your father-in-law—”

“Bunker is just fine and he’s surrounded by servants. I am no longer needed here. Now, Jules, no more arguments from you. My wife and I will arrive this evening. All right?”

She gave him a dazed nod, and he walked her to the front door. “Jules, you will tell Thackery.”

“Yes, of course,” she said. “Thomas, it just occurred to me that Michael will wonder why you and Penelope are moving in with us. What should I tell him?”

Thomas grew thoughtful. “Tell him that Pen needs to get away from her parents for a while, more specifically, her mother. Tell him that if he doesn’t mind, we’ll continue our honeymoon with Dr. Saint on Clay Street.”

It had begun to rain harder, and Thomas fetched her an umbrella. After he had handed her into the carriage, he saw that Ezra was regarding him with a great deal of interest.

“You’ll take care of Bunker, won’t you, Ezra?”

“Certainly, Mr. Thomas,” Ezra said. “And you will take care of your sister, sir.”

Thomas nodded, not bothering to ask him what and how much he knew, and headed up the stairs. For all Thomas knew, Ezra might have eavesdropped on their conversation. He paused a moment in front of his and Penelope’s bedroom, squared his shoulders, and strode in. He might as well face the unpleasantness now and get it over with.

* * *

Saint cursed his blindness, for Jules’s face always gave her away. He sighed. “That sounds pretty weak to me, Jules. Won’t you tell me the truth?”

“You don’t mind their coming here for a while, do you?”

“Stop dodging, sweetheart.”

“Michael, please.”

He heard the pleading in her voice, and said finally, “All right. If you and Thomas wish to keep your secrets, very well.” He shook his head. “The thought of Penelope sleeping in our house is unnerving. I wonder if we’ll survive it.”

Penelope was wondering the same thing that evening. She’d said not two words to her new sister-and brother-in-law. She regarded Thomas from beneath her lashes in animated conversation with Saint. My husband, she thought, a trifle bitter. And I am to obey him. And that’s what he’d told her that afternoon when she’d simply stared at him.

“You won’t, of course, haul your entire wardrobe there, Pen, there’s not enough room.”