“Yes, and filled with silly dreams.”

“Well, at least you waited for Alex, and didn’t marry that wretched fortune hunter.”

“I assure you, Derry, I wasn’t waiting for Alex, or any other man, for that matter. I was living my life, and he was suddenly just there.”

“You plan to continue in business?”

“Oh yes. In fact, I have taken over an office next to Alex’s for myself.”

“And what does your handsome husband have to say about that?”

“Why, I didn’t ask him. It is my decision, and my time, not his.”

“But it is his office building.”

Giana’s eyes crinkled in amusement. “True. Of course, knowing Alex, if he doesn’t like it, he will tell me soon enough, and punctuated with the most vile curses.”

“Take care, my friend, that he doesn’t simply tuck you under his arm and lock you in a closet.”

“Then I would do something painful to him.”

Derry laughed. “What a couple you must make. But you are more than a couple, aren’t you, with Leah about.”

“She’s a precious little girl, and not at all standoffish, just as Alex told me. Her governess, though, is another matter. Miss Guthrey is very possessive. I fear that she and I will be locking horns more often than I should like.”

Derry looked pensive for a moment, then mused. “You know, Giana, when we were girls in Switzerland, you were so very uncertain of yourself. I felt so angry with your mother. But you’ve accomplished so much now, whereas I haven’t done much of anything I can point to with pride. Odd, isn’t it?”

“Surely you discuss banking affairs with Charles, Derry? You are so bright and full of ideas.”

Derry blushed in pleasure at Giana’s compliment. My God, Giana thought angrily, does not her precious husband ever tell her how lucky he consid

ers himself to have her?

“Actually,” Derry admitted, “the subject has never come up. When Charles comes home, he wishes to enjoy only conversation about my day, though why, I cannot guess.”

Giana fiddled with her wineglass, swirling the white wine about until it sloshed over the edge. “You know, Derry,” she said at last, “I have no one here in New York to help me. Certainly I shall hire people, but there is no one I know well enough to share the responsibility with me. Not only must I oversee the Van Cleve interests, I also have every intention of forming a partnership with Cyrus McCormick.”

“Cyrus who?”

“McCormick. He is truly a genius. He is now in Chicago and has built a large factory to produce his mechanical reapers. I want to export them to England.”

Derry blinked at her.

“I will need funding, of course, if I can make an arrangement with him. But the fact remains that I will end up being frazzled if I don’t have someone who is very bright to help me.” It wasn’t exactly true, for Giana had already determined to take Alex up on his offer of Anesley O’Leary.

“Would you like me to ask Charles if he knows an appropriate man?”

“Man, Derry? No, I was thinking of a woman. You, Derry.”

Derry leaned back in her chair, her eyes fastened on Giana’s face.

“I can’t,” Derry said at last.

“Why not?”

“I can’t imagine what Charles would say, much less my friends. No, that is not the true reason. I don’t know if I can do it, Giana.”

“Bosh. Have you forgotten how you helped me with mathematics at Madame Orlie’s? Think about it, Derry. I truly need your help. You could select your own hours.”