Giana’s fingers moved numbly toward the fastenings on the bodice of her white gown, and stopped.

Daniele knew that she would not be pushed further. He had to take his chance, now. In a loud, commanding voice, he shouted, “One thousand dollars.”

An astounded silence followed Daniele’s bid. Giana dropped her arms to her sides, relief flooding her.

Alex gazed over at the old man. A man old enough to be her grandfather would take her. He shifted his gaze back to the dais and saw her standing perfectly still, as if she were somehow apart from the proceedings.

Signora Lamponni was ready to close the bidding. He heard himself shout, “Two thousand dollars.”

Daniele reeled. Jesus Christ, what was the bloody American doing? He looked at Giana, and saw her weave where she stood.

In a quite calm voice he shouted back, “Four thousand dollars.”

Signora Lamponni quickly said, “It is done. Four thousand dollars.”

Daniele rose quickly, but Alex was quicker. He walked toward the dais and said quietly, “It is the procedure, is it not, that the buyer pay you the full price, signora?”

Signora Lamponni nodded helplessly.

Alex peeled off two thousand dollars in bills from his wallet. “I request to see this gentleman’s four thousand dollars,” he said politely.

“Are you calling me a liar?” Daniele tried, schooling his features into his haughtiest look.

“No, sir. I merely wish to assure myself that you have the four thousand dollars.”

Daniele carried no more than five hundred dollars. He made a last effort. “The signora knows that my credit is sound. I will return shortly with the money.”

“But the price must be paid upon the close of the bidding, is that not the procedure, signora?”

Signora Lamponni shot Daniele a helpless look. “That is true, signore.”

“Uncle,” Giana whispered, taking a jerking step.

Daniele knew he could do no more here. He caught Giana’s dazed eyes and gave her an encouraging smile.

He turned to the American and said, “The girl is yours, sir.” He turned on his heel and strode from the salon.

“The American gets her.”

“For two thousand dollars, she’d better have two maidenheads.”

After Alex had given Signora Lamponni the two thousand dollars, she asked him, “Do you wish to examine her?”

“It would be difficult, since she is fully dressed,” he said, frowning toward her. Her shoulders were squared, and she stared back at him, her chin high in the air.

To Signora Lamponni’s great relief, he shook his head. “It is not necessary.”

He stepped to Giana and said, “Pick up your gloves, Helen.”

She made no move.

He sighed, and took her arm. “Then we will leave them.”

“Number five,” Signora Lamponni called out quickly.

Alex felt her tugging against him. He said in a low, angry voice, “Enough acting, else I’ll have you stripped right here.”

Giana went limp against his arm, and he led her from the salon into a small room dimly lit by gaslights. He took her shoulders in his hands and regarded her silently for a moment.