“All I know is that he has the lineage of a gentleman. His name is Randall Bennett and his grandfather is Viscount Gilroy. I assume that he must be attractive, from Giana’s besotted descriptions.”

“And you want to know more?”

For the first time, Aurora smiled. “You read my thoughts too well, Thomas. Yes, I must know all about him. Giana is inviting him to dine with us tomorrow evening. When I meet him, I would like to know

more about him than just his name and the fact that he has met my daughter clandestinely both in Switzerland and here in London.”

Thomas whistled softly. “Giana is very young,” he said, “and very innocent.”

“And very foolish and romantic.”

“Not unlike other young ladies of her age and background. Do not fret about it, my dear. We will see. Will you come to your office tomorrow?”

Aurora nodded. “Certainly. Thank you, Thomas.”

“Don’t worry, Aurora. I will find out the name of the nurse who diapered our young gentleman. Incidentally, have you had an opportunity to review the option papers on the railroad stocks?”

“I have tried, but to be honest about it, I haven’t been able to concentrate on them. Drew will be back shortly. I’m sure he’ll be able to force my nose to the grindstone.”

“At least Giana hasn’t fallen in love with your secretary.”

“She thinks Drew is imperfect because he wears glasses and does not spend hours on his waistcoats.” She added bitterly, unable to help herself, “And of course he is less than a man because he takes orders from a woman.”

“Don’t be sarcastic, Aurora, and cease your fretting. Giana is not the first seventeen-year-old girl to be infatuated. Now, I must be off if I am to discover all the skeletons in Randall Bennett’s closet.”

“I pray that it is a very large closet.”

Giana paced restlessly up and down the well-trod footpath at the south end of Hyde Park. She had sent Randall an urgent appeal to meet her, and he was late.

“You will wear holes in your slippers with all that pacing,” Randall Bennett said softly.

Giana jumped. “Oh, Randall, you startled me.” She turned swiftly, her heart thumping, her face flushed and excited. “I was worried you would not come.”

“My foolish little love,” he said, raising her gloved hand to his lips. He felt a slight trembling in her hand as he held it overlong, and smiled.

“Whatever is the matter, my love? Your message was a mystery.”

“My mother wants to meet you, Randall, tomorrow evening.”

A worried frown creased his wide forehead as he released her hand. His smile became charmingly rueful, his voice uncertain. “You’re certain that it is her wish, Giana? She is not angry?”

Giana’s excitement dimmed a moment. “No,” she said finally, “I do not believe she is angry. But she is disappointed.” At his faint questioning look, she added, almost apologetically, “You see, she intended that I would, well, follow in her path, learn all about the Van Cleve interests, and work with her.”

Randall threw back his handsome blond head and laughed heartily. “What an insane thought. My God, my little Giana doing a man’s work.”

“That is what I told her,” Giana said in ready agreement, but for an instant she felt a surge of rebellion. She wasn’t stupid, after all. She smiled, knowing that Randall hadn’t meant to insult her. “I looked at her desk. So many documents, so many contracts and options. She has talked of little else in the fortnight I’ve been home.”

Randall said, “You and your mother are nothing alike, Giana. I grant that she has accomplished more than many men in her position, but to do so, she has sacrificed all her woman’s gentleness. What man would want to cherish her, protect her, as I do you?”

To his momentary chagrin, Georgiana laughed. “You have never met my mother, Randall.”

He managed to say lightly enough, “Indeed, my love. But still, she did place business above a home and family. You are different from her, beloved. Where she wishes to conquer, you wish to love, to share, to be a wife and a mother. And I value you for it. Value you above all women.”

He saw that her lovely eyes were glistening with pleasure at his description of her, as he thought they would. “Has your mother agreed to our marriage?”

“Not precisely, but I told her that I want to marry you in June. You will convince her tomorrow evening that you will make her a perfect son-in-law.”

Randall gave her a merry smile, an easy movement of muscles, and devastatingly attractive. He had never before kissed the beautiful girl standing so worshipfully before him. He deemed it time.