Page 53 of Liar

He lifted his fist and waited. Hating myself for not being able to be one-hundred-percent honest with him, I lifted my hand and bumped his knuckles.

We walked inside and were greeted the way we always were with hugs and kisses. Thank God, Olivia stayed back and only gave a small wave. Even if that wave did come with a sultry stare.

“Hi, Mr. Kent,” she’d said.

“Olivia,” I barely managed. She flounced into the dining room, her schoolgirl plaid skirt way too short to meet any dress code. My eyes clenched tight to avoid watching, hoping for a glimpse of what lay underneath. I had no idea how I was going to make it through this.

Daniel slapped my back, reminding me of everyone around. “Come on. Let’s eat.”

Dinner was, as always, delicious. And thankfully, almost over. My body ached from the tension pulling every muscle tight, ready to snap.

She’d tortured me through the meal. Watching me as much as she could, making promises with her eyes, there was no hope of fulfilling tonight. Licking her lips, nibbling them. Arching her back, letting me know she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath her thin T-shirt. Each one tightened the screw.

When she stood to collect the plates with her mother, her skirt floated dangerously around her thighs. I was surprised I didn’t have a raging headache for how much effort it took to keep my eyes from staying glued to her.

“Drinks in the den?” David asked.

I almost bolted from the room to remove myself from temptation. She was Eve with an apple, and I was a weak, weak man on the edge of giving in.

“Sounds perfect,” Daniel answered.

“Ladies, are you joining us?” David asked.

Please no. Please no. Please no.

“A nightcap sounds nice,” Julia said.

I held my breath, waiting for Olivia’s answer, too scared to look over to let her see the plea in my eyes. I wasn’t sure if the plea was to stay away or to pull me closer.

“I think I’m going to head to bed. It’s been a long weekend.”

Somehow, I managed to remain upright and not slide out of my chair in relief. Thank you, God.

We all went our separate ways, but before heading up the stairs, she looked back over her shoulder and winked. I was so paranoid someone else saw that I didn’t take it for the warning it was.

So, almost an hour later, when I stepped out of the bathroom, I should have been prepared for her grabbing my arm and dragging me up the stairs and down the hall.

“Olivia,” I whispered, looking behind me, terrified someone was going to come out and see us.

She jerked me into a room and closed the door. Only the soft light of the lamp illuminated the room. Enough for me to see the pink bedspread with a slew of stuffed animals up against the pillows. Enough for me to see the pictures of Olivia at prom or in her cheerleading uniform. Fuck me, I’d have to have her dig that out at some point. I was jerked from my perusal when Olivia whipped her shirt off.


I almost laughed at the way I gasped her name like a woman protecting her virtue. Clearing my throat, I tried to keep my eyes on hers as she backed up to sit on the bed. Even if I wasn’t directly looking, the sway of her breasts had me growing harder by the second.

“I’m not fucking you here. Your parents are downstairs and will come looking.”

“Just a quick BJ, then.”

Thighs clenched, I remained rooted to the spot, my hands fisting in my pockets to keep from grabbing her, shoving her to the floor, and fucking her mouth until I came. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

She turned sideways on her bed and fell back, letting her head hang off the edge, all that golden hair cascading like an alluring waterfall. “Come on, Kent,” she said, dragging her hands up her thighs, pulling her skirt along with it. “You always said you wanted to fuck my throat this way. What better place than my childhood bedroom?”

Her hands moved to her chest and plucked her nipples. It was useless to fight it, my eyes dropped to the way her rosy tips looked between her small fingers. I liked the way they looked better between my larger, rougher ones. My feet moved of their own volition, until I stood by her head, looking down her lean, beautiful body.

“Defile me,” she begged, almost breaking me. Her hand slid up my thigh to cup my balls, rolling them in her palm. “You can be rough with my tiny throat,” she said in a small voice, pouting over the words. “Force me to swallow your fat cock. Make me choke on all your cum. I’ve never had a dick in my mouth before.”