“You are quite wrong. Your letters always reminded me of what was really important to me. What did Miss Petersham think of your writing to me?”

She had been frowning thoughtfully over his words, but at the mention of her companion, her eyes twinkled. “Poor Becky. We are quite close, you know, except in matters that concern you. Eliott and I discussed it most thoroughly and decided that in the case of our letters, it would be best to commit a sin of omission. She never found out.”

“Then I daresay that she will not welcome me with open arms.”

“True, but Eliott is my guardian and she can hardly turn you away. She will come about, you will see. I fear though that she will be excessively disappointed that we will not be going to London. I fancy she expected me to snare a royal duke.”

“You and one of the fat German dukes. Good lord.” He squeezed her hand. “Come, Cass, let us get my mare, and I shall escort you back to the hall.”

He felt her fingers close over his and saw that she was looking up at him, a disturbing smile on her lips.

“Before we go, Edward, I would that you kiss me again. I have never been kissed before and I must own that I like it a lot.”

He leaned down and kissed her lightly on her closed lips.

She stared up at him doggedly. “That is not at all how you kissed me the first time.” She added hesitantly, “I like the other things you did—with your hands.”

He stood stiffly before her, trying to still the twisting desire in his loins. “Cass, it is not proper.”

“But why, Edward? Did you not come back to be my husband?”

“No—yes. Dammit, I have not yet spoken to Eliott. And as much as you scoff at the idea, there is your Season in London.”

One thick-arched brow flared upward. “Season in London? Come, Edward, I was but jesting. Now that you are returned, everything has changed. I shall have no duke, not even a royal one.”

“It is important, Cassie,” he said heavily. “You have been sheltered. It would not be fair of me to prevent you from meeting other gentlemen. Don’t you understand? You may meet someone else whom you would prefer to wed.”

Cassie raised her chin in a proud, stubborn gesture that he remembered well. “I admit that I am young and not much experienced. But I am not a fool, Edward, nor am I a silly, romantic girl whose mind is filled with maudlin drivel. I have long known that you are the man to suit me. I beg you not to question my motives or my feelings.”

“You call this place a Garden of Eden, Cass. You know nothing of what lies beyond even Ipswich.”

“Edward, you make it sound as though I have been raised in a convent. You know that Becky needled Eliott the moment I turned seventeen to let me put my hair up and entertain lavishly. I assure you, I have been most feted by many gentlemen, even some from your precious London. I have found them, for the most part, to have very little under their powdered hair save empty, vain heads. Now, I would that you cease this nonsense.”

“Very well, Cass, we shall discuss the matter another time.”

“Edward, if you do not believe me, I shall simply have to seduce you and force you to wed me.”

“What do you know of seduction, Miss?”

“If you will kiss me again, I daresay that I shall come by it quite naturally.”

There was a woman’s smile on her face, and Edward’s honorable intentions crumbled. He pulled her roughly against him and kissed her temples, the tip of her straight nose, the hollow of her throat. His lips touched hers, featherlight. “Part your lips, love.”

She obeyed him willingly. His hands cupped her hips as he explored her mouth, lifting her off the ground to press her against him.

Through her gown and petticoats, Cassie felt the fierce hardness of him. She had seen animals mate and knew that when men and women coupled, men entered women’s bodies. She felt an almost painful ache building between her thighs and realized that she wanted more than anything to feel Edward naked against her, caressing her, making himself a part of her. She dug her fingers into his back and pressed her body so tightly against him that she could feel his heartbeat against her breasts.

She gave a cry of frustrated disappointment when he abruptly pulled her away from him.

“Enough, Cass,” he said harshly. “No, don’t argue with me. I refuse to be seduced by a slip of a girl who supposedly knows nothing about it. Come, let me escort you to Hemphill Hall.”

Chapter 2

Cassie drew Edward up the wide front steps of Hemphill Hall and thrust open the door, nearly toppling Menkle, the Brougham butler.

“Menkle, look who is home, finally. And to stay.”

Menkle forgot his dignity and bestowed a toothful smile upon the viscount. “Welcome home, my lord.”