Cassie nearly choked on her wine, but the earl merely nodded graciously. “I and my boat thank you, ma’am. Perhaps you would like a tour whilst Lyndhurst talks to my patient?”

“Yes, Jenny,” Edward said. “I will meet you shortly, above-deck.”

Jenny walked to the bed and took Cassie’s hand. “All is as you wish it to be, I can see that plainly.”

“I will never wish for anything more. Perhaps I shall see you in England.”

“Oh yes, I am certain of it. Good-bye, Miss Brougham.”

“Good-bye, Miss Lacy.”

The earl offered Jenny his arm and led her from the cabin. Cassie heard her say to the earl, “I do not know much about sailing boats, my lord. Perhaps you will enlighten me.”

Edward gazed down at Cassie, his expression intent. “You are certain that this is what you want, Cass?”

“Oh yes, Edward.” She took his hand and squeezed it tightly. “Our lives have been fraught with adventure. Enough I think to make me want to grow old in one place. Or perhaps two places,” she added, smiling to herself.

“Will you return to England, Cass?”

“We have not had time to discuss our plans. Poor Eliott will be in for something of a shock.”

Edward shook his head. “He’ll believe that we’ve all lost our minds.” He paused a moment, and smoothed a strand of hair from her forehead. “Does his lordship know yet of his child?”

“No, and I would ask that you not tell him, Edward. It is up to me, you know.”

“How long have you loved him, Cass?”

“I cannot remember the beginning of it, yet I am quite secure in my feelings for him.”

“Despite all that he did to you?”


“What you did this morning was outlandish.”

“Perhaps, but I believe that you would have done the same, had you been me. There was everything to lose, you see.”

“I will never understand you, Cass.”

“You will forgive me everything, Edward?”

“There is nothing to forgive you for,” he said quickly. “The earl, though, is another matter.” He leaned down and kissed her. “Good-bye, Cass. Perhaps our children will be playmates some day.”

“And mine will lead yours into wicked adventures.”

He stared at her a moment, bemused. “That,” he said, straightening over her, “remains to be seen.” He looked toward the open cabin door, hearing Jenny’s bright laughter.

“Good-bye, Cass.”

“Until England, Edward.”

Chapter 28

Cassie heaved a sigh of contentment, wiped her fingers on her napkin, and sat back in her chair. She quickly leaned forward again when she felt the wooden back press against her shoulder.

“So you like Arturo’s way of preparing oysters?”

“Cleaning my plate from one end to the other should convince him of my approval.”