In front of the walls were old battered wooden filing cabinets filled with the investigative work that had allowed him to complete the gaps on the walls. He had traveled to many places, talked to lots of people, and taken hundreds of pages of notes that now rested in those cabinets, but the fruits of that investigation were displayed on the walls.

His gaze started at one end of this “mosaic,” where it had all started, and then drifted along to the other end, where it had all come together. One end to the other, the dots finally connected. Some people would call this room a shrine to an obsessive mind. Quarry would not have disagreed with that. But for him it also represented the only route to the most elusive goals in the world:

Not just truth but also justice. They were not necessarily mutually exclusive, but Quarry had found them immensely difficult to corral together. He had never failed at anything he’d ever really set his mind to. Yet his mind had often wandered over the possibility that he would eventually fail at this.

He moved around the far corner where there was a small space, and glanced behind a wooden partition at some heavy metal cylinders stacked there along with tubing, gauges, and other piping. There were also leftover rolls of lead sheathing on a wooden workbench. He patted one of the tanks, his wedding band clinking against its metal hide.

His ace in the hole.

He locked the door, walked up to the library, pulled on his gloves, slid the single piece of paper into his typewriter, and started hitting keys. As the inked words appeared in front of him on the page, there was no surprise or revelation in their substance. He had formed all that he was putting down a long time ago. Finished, he folded up the page, took a key out of his pocket, dropped it in a pre-addressed envelope along with the letter, sealed it, and drove off in his old truck. Two hundred miles later, now in the state of Kentucky, he deposited the letter in a mailbox.

He arrived back at Atlee in the morning. After having driven all night, he was not tired at all. It seemed as though with each step of his plan completed, his energy was renewed. He ate breakfast with Gabriel and Daryl, then helped Ruth Ann wash up the dishes in the kitchen. Six hours of working the fields next to his son left Quarry sweating. He figured his letter would get to its destination in the next day or so. He wondered about their reaction; the panic that would start to set in.

It made him smile.

After dinner he rode one of his horses to Fred’s Airstream. Slipping down from his ride, he set himself down on the concrete-block furniture outside the trailer and handed out smokes, a bottle of Jim Beam, and cans of Red Bull that his Koasati friends liked. He listened to several stories Fred told about his youth spent in Oklahoma on a reservation there along with a man whom Fred had insisted was Geronimo’s son.

“That was Cherokee up there, wasn’t it?” Quarry said idly as he watched Fred’s mutt lick its privates and then roll around in the dirt trying to shake off some fleas. “Thought Geronimo was Apache.”

Fred looked at him, a mixture of mirth and seriousness on his flint-hard features. “You think people who look like you can tell the difference in people who look like me?”

The other Indians laughed at that and Quarry did too, shaking his head and grinning. “So why’d you end up coming back here? I never did know really.”

Fred spread his short arms. “This is Koasati land. I came home.”

Quarry wasn’t about to tell him that this wasn’t Koasati land, that this was good old American Quarry land. Yet he liked the man. Liked visiting him and bringing the man smokes, and Jim Beam and listening to the stories.

Quarry grinned and raised his beer. “To coming home.”

“To coming home,” they all said together.

A few minutes later they all went inside to get away from the mosquitoes and raise a few more toasts to nonsensical things. One of the Koasatis turned on the TV, adjusted the dials, and the picture cleared. The news was on. As Quarry sat and sipped his drink his gaze settled on the screen and he stopped listening to Fred’s jawing.

The lead story was about the Willa Dutton kidnapping. Breaking news had just come in. A leak from somewhere had revealed evidence at the crime scene not previously disclosed to the public. Quarry stood as the news anchor said what this evidence was. Writings on the dead woman’s arms. Letters that made no sense, but that the police were following up on.


; Quarry jumped from the top step of the trailer to the dirt, scaring the old hound so badly it started whining and curled up in a protective ball. Fred arrived at the door in time to see Quarry astride his horse racing back to Atlee. Fred shook his head, mumbled something about crazy white people, and closed the trailer door.

Quarry found Daryl alone in the barn. The younger man watched in disbelief as his old man came at him like a blitzing linebacker. Quarry slammed him up against the wall and drove his forearm against his son’s throat.

“You wrote something on her arms!” he roared.

“What?” gasped Daryl.

“You wrote something on her arms! What in the hell was it?”

“Give me some damn air and I’ll tell you.”

Quarry stepped back, but not before giving his son a hard shove that

drove him back against the wall one more time. Breathing hard, Daryl told his father what he’d done.

“Why in the hell did you do that?”

“After the lady got killed I got scared. Thought we’d throw’em off that way.”

“What you did, boy, was stupid.”