“She doesn’t seem like a dog person to me.” Alice unraveled a ball of yarn. “Doesn’t know what to do with the puppy. Steps over the animal like a pair of shoes left on the floor. Did you see the way she stroked her? Vertical pats.”

“She’s not used to dogs. She’ll work it out and working it out will be good for her. It’s only for a few hours.”

“You’re interfering.”

“Yes. Have you seen Maple’s toy?” Elizabeth crawled under the table and retrieved the toy bone while Maple wagged her tail happily. “There. You are just what Kayla needs.”

“Jackson may not agree when the animal does her business on his hardwood floors.”

“She’s not going to do that.” Elizabeth scooped Maple up and kissed her. “Tonight you need to be extra cute. I’ve never seen anyone as lonely as that poor girl, and you’re the family member designated to sort it out.”

Alice looked at her. “Jackson could do that.”

“He’s next on my list.”


KAYLA SAT ON the sofa in her robe, an untouched bowl of popcorn on the floor and Maple curled by her feet.

When Elizabeth had arrived at the door and asked her to keep the puppy for a few hours, she’d been horrified, but Jackson’s mother had been so excited at the prospect of helping Élise in the kitchen that Kayla hadn’t been able to find a way of saying no.

“I don’t know anything about dogs.”

“All she wants is company. Wish me luck! Élise can be terrifying when she’s cooking.” Buzzing with excitement, Elizabeth had thrust a few things into her arms and hurried back down the path with a wave, leaving Kayla with Maple and no idea what to do.

She and the puppy had stared at one another and then Maple had settled down on the rug in front of the fire and Kayla had got on with her evening while keeping a cautious eye on the dog.

She’d taken a long, indulgent shower, rinsed away pine needles and bits of the forest that clung to her. Other things hadn’t proved so easy to shift, like her mood. She’d stepped out of the shower lost in thought and almost slipped when she’d felt Maple licking her wet toes.

And now she was on the sofa staring gloomily at the puppy.

“I don’t know why you’re looking so pleased. I’m lousy company. You couldn’t have picked a worse place to spend a few hours.”

Maple rolled onto her back hopefully, and Kayla shook her head.

“I’m not a tactile person. I’m sure someone better qualified will rub your tummy later.”

Huge brown eyes stared at her mournfully.

“Oh, for—” She bent down and rubbed the puppy’s tummy gingerly, her fingers tangling with fur the color of coffee and whipped cream. “Don’t tell anyone how pathetic I am, will you? I’d be fired on the spot.” Tears jammed her throat and she felt a flash of horror and then remembered the only witness was the dog. For once, she didn’t have to hold it back.

“Honestly, it’s just one day of the year. And it always makes me feel this way. It seems as though you’re the only person in the world on your own.” She’d never felt lonelier in her life.

A tear fell and landed on the puppy.

Maple whimpered, rolled onto her front and stood up.

“Sit.” She managed to say the word through her clogged throat. “Sit. Oh, for—” The puppy sprang onto her lap and Kayla pressed herself into the sofa. “Down. Down!”

Maple ignored her and wagged her tail.

The dog felt warm. Solid.

“Honestly, I’m fine—” Kayla kept her hands in the air. “I’ve never been that big on hugs and— Oh—” The puppy snuggled down. “Right. I suppose you can stay there as long as you don’t pee on me. And if you tell them I cried, our relationship is over.” Slowly, gingerly, she lowered her hands to the puppy. The fur under her fingers was soft and springy, the eyes looking at her a warm caramel-brown.

Tears fell, slowly and steadily like the snow outside the window. “I never cry. This is your fault. You shouldn’t be so cute.”

She wished her phone would ring, but for once it was silent, and she knew it was because the people back in the office would be caught up in pre-Christmas madness.