“Didn’t seem any sense in keeping it empty, and I needed somewhere that was mine. I added the deck because I liked the idea of drinking beer while watching the sun go down over the lake, but so far that’s been wishful thinking. When I’ve drunk beer it’s mostly been while standing up doing ten jobs simultaneously.”

She strolled to the large kitchen window. Ice crystals glistened on the surface of the lake, and the bright winter sun sent shafts of light through the trees. “The view is incredible.”

“It was this place that gave me the idea of building the log cabins. I loved the position. I figured others would, too.”

“That explains why it has the same feel.”

“I used to spend hours in these woods when I was young. Some nights the three of us camped out up in the mountains. If we were lost, we followed the river home. We knew how to survive in the wilderness. We have Gramps to thank for that.”

She tried to imagine what it must have been like growing up here, surrounded by laughter and family. “So you talked to him?”

“Yes.” As he relayed the conversation, her heart ached for Walter.

“He didn’t want you to be burdened.” She thought about the love that must have been behind such an unselfish action. “He’s a special man.”

“It’s generous of you to say that after the way he spoke to you on the first night.”

“He thought you were wasting precious money and didn’t see how PR could help. I didn’t do a good job of showing him. He was protecting this place. Protecting you. Everything Walter does is driven by his love for Snow Crystal. And love for his family. You’re lucky.” She felt his arms come around her and leaned against him. “So you’ve cleared the air. That’s a good Christmas present.”

“Yes. What about you, Kayla Green?” His arms tightened around her. “What do you want for Christmas?”

It wasn’t something she ever asked herself and certainly no one ever asked her. “A million bookings for Snow Crystal.”

“That’s work.” He turned her to face him. “What about the personal?” Dark lashes shielded sinful blue eyes and she felt her knees weaken. He had to be the hottest guy on the planet.

“I might buy myself something when Christmas is over.”

“Do you always buy your own gifts?”

“Why not? I don’t need people to buy me things, Jackson. I can buy them for myself.”

“People don’t buy and give gifts just because the other person can’t buy it for themselves. A gift is a symbol. It’s a way of showing someone that you care and want to make them happy.”

“Yes. I bought my earrings because I cared about me and wanted to make myself happy.”

He laughed. “When was the last time you received a gift you hadn’t chosen yourself?”

“Brett was pretty generous with the Christmas bonus this year.”

“I’m not talking about money.”

“Money suits me fine. I know what I want.”

“Maybe you don’t.” He lowered his forehead to hers, and she felt her heart kick against her ribs. He was right there in her personal space, and she was shocked to discover that was exactly where she wanted him.

“So if you were choosing me a gift, what would you give me?”

“I’d give you something you would never buy for yourself,” he said softly. “Something you possibly don’t even know you want.”

Standing this close to him, she could feel the warmth and power of his body. The chemistry was intoxicating, and this time she didn’t even bother fighting it. Instead she slid her arms around his neck.

“I know exactly what I want, Jackson.”

Fortunately, so did he.

* * *

CHRISTMAS EVE DINNER was a special occasion. “In France, Christmas Eve is a big celebration.” Élise put food on the table with a flourish, roast duck cooked in a delicious sauce, the ingredients of which she refused to discuss. “It is a secret. I am trying something new.”