‘I think you’ve learned to hide how you feel. You’re afraid you won’t be able to control your emotions, so you make sure that you don’t engage them.’ Why, oh, why, had she ever thought she’d be able to cope with this man? ‘We’re very different, Alessio. Just accept it.’

‘I accept that we’re different. It’s the differences that excite me.’ His voice was silky soft and seductive. ‘I think we’d be hot in bed. And you think it too, don’t you, Lindsay? That’s why you’re fighting it every step of the way. This chemistry between us is so powerful that you’re afraid you’re being sucked in. You want to be in control, but even while you’re reaching for your drink you’re wondering how it’s going to feel when I finally kiss you.’

Her mouth was so dry she could barely form the words. ‘You’re not going to kiss me.’

‘I am.’ He dropped his gaze to her mouth, his tone faintly apologetic. ‘When I want something, I have to have it. It’s part of my personality.’

Lindsay reached for her drink. ‘You could talk to a trained counsellor about that. You might find that a course of cognitive behavioural therapy might help.’

‘I find it’s simpler just to take what I want.’ He gave a careless shrug of his broad shoulders. ‘It’s going to happen, Lindsay. Stop fighting it.’

Lindsay carefully put down her drink. Her hand was shaking so much it was that or spill it.

Before she could respond, the several waiters arrived with a tempting platter heaped with fresh seafood, bowls of salad and hot crusty bread.

As the food was served she was aware of Alessio watching her. Could he see? Could he see that her fingers shook when she picked up her fork? Could he see that she was in turmoil?

When they were alone again, she lifted her head and looked him in the eye, banishing visions of his bronzed, naked body covering hers. ‘I’m prepared to perform whatever tasks you expected of Ruby. I’m quite sure that providing you with bedroom entertainment wasn’t one of them.’

‘There has never been any chemistry between us.’

‘And that’s all it takes to establish a relationship from your point of view? Chemistry?’ Her laugh was tinged with derision. ‘That’s deep, Alessio. I’m sure your past encounters have been extremely—satisfying.’

‘I make sure that they are.’

‘I’m not talking about sexual satisfaction. I’m talking about something far deeper and more long lasting than that.’ There w

as a cooling breeze from the sea but she still felt desperately hot. ‘You’re an intelligent man. Surely you demand more from a woman than the ability to simply lie down in your bed.’

‘Absolutely.’ Alessio didn’t shift his eyes from her face. ‘I demand a great deal more than that. And I’m sure you’ll deliver.’

Was it her or had the temperature on the beach suddenly gone up? ‘You shouldn’t reduce every relationship to the physical.’

‘You shouldn’t dismiss sexual satisfaction until you’ve tried it.’

‘What makes you think I haven’t?’

‘Because you’re inexperienced.’

‘You know nothing about my private life. Nor do I intend to discuss it with you.’

‘Lindsay—’ his tone was gentle ‘—you’ve been teasing and tempting me since the moment I arrived at your villa this evening. I don’t know whether you’re trying to prove something to yourself, but only someone very inexperienced would play those sorts of games with someone like me.’

‘I’m not playing games.’

‘I haven’t quite worked out if you’re a virgin or not,’ he murmured, his strong fingers closing around the stem of his glass. ‘You’re certainly a bit old to be a virgin, but if you’ve had sex with anyone before, then I’m guessing that it was an instantly forgettable experience. And at this precise moment you’re feeling very, very unsettled because you know that sex with me would be a completely unforgettable experience.’

Finally she lifted her head and looked at him. ‘You’re so arrogant.’

‘You know we’ll be good together, but you’re afraid to admit it.’

‘That isn’t what’s happening here at all! I’m not denying that you’re attractive, of course you are. Nor am I denying that there’s a certain—’ she swallowed ‘—chemistry between us. But the reason I’m not acting on it has nothing to do with fear. It’s a choice, Alessio. You and I have nothing in common, nothing on which to base a good relationship. Anything between us would be over in a flash.’

‘I generally find that I can maintain my performance for little longer than a “flash”,’ he purred and she gave a murmur of exasperation.

‘Alessio, please.’ For some reason it suddenly seemed desperate that she make him understand. ‘I will not allow myself to make huge decisions based on something as fleeting as chemistry.’

‘It wouldn’t be fleeting.’ Dark lashes shielded his gaze. ‘I’d want you again and again, in every conceivable position.’