And then the implications of what the doctor had just told her sank into her brain and she immediately swooped down into a dark pit of despair.

The fact that she hadn’t lost the baby was wonderful news, but she realised with a miserable, sinking heart that the doctor’s words had sounded the death knell for her relationship with Raul.

Faith walked onto the beach, bracing herself for the most difficult conversation of her life.

How would Raul respond to the news?

He wouldn’t be pleased, she knew that. Suddenly his comment on her wedding day came back to haunt her.

Although it was four in the morning, there was just enough light for her to make out his lean, powerful physique. He stood with his back to her, facing out to sea, and she lifted a hand to touch him and then immediately let it fall again.

What right did she have to touch?

‘Raul?’ She spoke his name softly and he turned instantly.

The sudden flare of anxiety in his eyes surprised her. ‘Well?’ He reached out and put his hands on her shoulders, his hard, strong fingers biting into her flesh. ‘What did he say?’

Faith flinched. ‘You’re squeezing me—’

‘Sorry.’ He released his grip and took her face in his hands, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs. ‘I’m sorry, cariño. I’ve been worried.’

The concern in his tone almost finished her off. ‘I’m sorry you were worried.’ How was she going to say this? What words could she use to make the whole thing easier on both of them? ‘I—Raul—’

‘Dios mío, you’re scaring me,’ he said hoarsely. ‘Just tell me, quickly, before I chase after that damn doctor and drag him back here. What did he say to you that’s made you so scared? You look totally terrified! Whatever it is, we’ll fix it, I promise.’

It was such a typical response that in spite of her misery, she almost smiled. ‘You can’t fix everything, Raul.’ Feeling as though she were facing a firing squad, Faith moved her face away from his hands and stepped back from him but still she couldn’t bring herself to say what had to be said because she knew that once the words were out there, that would be it.

Their relationship would be over.

Her fingers were trembling, her legs were trembling—she felt physically sick although whether that was down to nerves or her pregnancy she didn’t know.

Squeezing her eyes shut she vowed that, whatever he said, she was not going to cry. Inside she felt wretched, miserable and just plain desolate.

‘Faith,’ Raul muttered rawly, turning her to face him. ‘If you don’t tell me soon—’

She tilted her head back and braced herself. What difference did a few minutes make? She wanted a whole lifetime with him and if she couldn’t have that …

‘I’m pregnant.’ Her voice cracked and she snatched a breath and said it again, just in case he hadn’t heard her. ‘I didn’t lose the baby. I made a mistake about that. I’m still pregnant.’

He stared down at her, his dark eyes glittering in the moonlight and his normally bronzed, healthy skin appeared to have lost some of its colour.

His hands dropped from her arms and he took a step backwards, an expression of stunned disbelief crossing his handsome face.

He didn’t say a word.

Not a single word.

The only sound was the soft rush of waves as they broke onto the sand and the frantic pumping of her own heartbeat.

Raul stared down at her for what seemed like endless minutes and then turned sharply and walked away across the sand.

And that, she thought to herself, was that.

No longer bothering to contain the tears that had gathered in her throat, Faith sank down onto the sand and just sobbed.


PACKING was easy because she didn’t need to take much.