‘You have no idea how much self-control it took to keep my hands off you.’ He groaned, dragging his fingers through his hair. ‘You were sweet and sexy rolled into one and so unbelievably curious—’

‘Why was it unbelievable? You’re the most gorgeous man I’m ever going to meet. I wanted to make the most of it.’

‘When I worked out your reasons for wanting to leave the island I couldn’t believe I’d been so blind. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t worked it out.’

‘Why would you? My father can be very persuasive.’

‘And I have more reason to know that than most.’

‘None of this matters now.’

‘No, it doesn’t, because you’re mine now and I’m never letting you go.’ His voice hoarse, he crossed the room in three strides and took her face in his hands. ‘Until I met you all I knew about love was how much damage it could do. I didn’t want that. I spent my life avoiding that. I couldn’t understand why anyone would take that risk and I certainly didn’t want to, so I kept my relationships short and superficial—and then I met you and suddenly I didn’t want to do either of those things. For the first time ever I cared whether I saw a woman again. I wanted to see you again.’

‘And you were scared.’

‘Yes, and you knew that. You knew I was scared. You knew I loved you.’

‘I thought you did. I hoped you did. But I never thought you’d admit it. Or want it.’

‘I do want it. I want you.’

He kissed her gently, his mouth lingering on hers, and her head reeled and her thoughts tumbled as she tried to unravel the one situation she hadn’t prepared for.

‘I—It’s too complicated. You hate my father.’

‘It’s not complicated. I’m not marrying your father and I’m hoping you won’t want to invite him to our wedding.’

Her heart thudded and skipped. ‘Is that a proposal?’

‘No. I haven’t reached that part yet but I’m getting there. I have something for you.’

He reached for a box on the table and her brows rose because she recognised the packaging.

‘That’s one of my candles.’

‘Close. It’s one I had developed just for you. You already have Relax, Energise and Seduction. This one is called Love.’


He wanted to marry her?

Hands shaking, Selene opened the box and saw a diamond ring nestling in a glass candle-holder. ‘I don’t know what I’m more shocked about—the fact that you’re asking me to marry you or the fact that you’ve actually given me a candle. Does this mean I’m actually allowed to light it in the bedroom?’

‘You can do anything you want with me in the bedroom,’ he said huskily, sliding the ring onto her finger and then kissing her again. ‘Just don’t tell me it’s too late. Don’t tell me you’ve given up on me for taking so long to discover what you knew all along.’

‘I’m not telling you that. It’s not too late. It’s never too late.’ She stared down at the ring on her finger, hypnotised not just by the diamond but by what it symbolised.

‘How did you end up such an optimist with a father like yours?’

‘I refused to believe that all men were like my father. I knew they couldn’t be—especially after I met you. I believed in something better and I wanted that. Why would someone want to repeat the past when the future can be so much better?’

His lips were on hers. ‘You are an inspiration, koukla mou.’

‘Not really.’ She melted under his touch. ‘I’m just trying to have the life I want. Which probably makes me horribly selfish.’

‘Then we’re a perfect match, because you know I don’t think of anyone but myself.’

But he was smiling as he said the words and so was she, because the happiness was too big to keep inside.