She was almost crazy with the need and she tried to move her hips against his hand, but he withdrew his fingers from her gently.

‘Not yet. I want to be inside you when you come. I want to feel it. Be part of it.’

Her eyes had closed but now they flickered open and she was treated to a close-up private view of sheer masculine power. Dressed, he was gorgeous, but undressed he was spectacular. Bronzed skin sheathed smooth curves of hard muscle and the dark hair that hazed the centre of his chest trailed down over his flat stomach and disappeared out of view. But she’d already seen and she knew, and she wanted to know more.

‘Then do it,’ she begged hoarsely. ‘Do it now. Please. You’re driving me crazy.’

‘So impatient.’ A sexy smile hovering on his mouth, Stefan shifted over her and curved her leg behind his back. ‘I’m going to torture you with pleasure,’ he murmured against her mouth, ‘until you’re mindless and begging—’

‘I’m begging now.’ Her gaze collided with his and every bone in her body melted under the fire in his eyes. ‘It’s you. You make me—crazy.’

His thick dark lashes lowered fractionally and he lowered his mouth to hers again, his kiss teasing and seductive. ‘This is just the beginning.’ The subtle stroke of his tongue and his skilled exploration of her mouth left her shaking and Selene kissed him back, her uninhibited response drawing a similar degree of reaction from him.

She was dimly aware that Stefan had pulled back slightly—that he was reaching for something from the table by the bed.

A moment later he slid one hand into her hair. Dazed and desperate, Selene’s eyes collided with the fierce passion in his.

‘If I hurt you, tell me,’ Stefan said thickly, his other hand sliding under her writhing hips as he lifted her against him.

She could feel the male power of him but she was so wet, so ready, and she knew he’d done that for her, done everything he could to make her first time good.

His body felt hard, male and thoroughly unfamiliar. She closed her eyes and held her breath, just waiting, waiting, conscious of his leashed power and superior strength and wondering how this could possibly work out well despite his skill.

Braced for discomfort, she was surprised by his gentleness and care.

She’d expected him to thrust, but he entered her slowly, carefully, and she held her breath, the feeling of warmth and fullness taking her by surprise. She felt him pause and then his mouth brushed hers as he kissed her gently.

‘Relax and open your eyes. I want you looking at me. If I’m hurting you, I want to know.’

She opened them.

Her heart slamming against her chest, Selene stared up at him, her gaze trapped by his. It was clear how much each slow, purposeful stroke was costing him and Selene slid her hands over his shoulders, feeling tension under hard, sleek muscle.

And then he did thrust, as if he could no longer help himself. He thrust deep and she held her breath because it felt like too much.

Buried deep inside her, Stefan sensed the change in her and paused, his breathing uneven and his eyes darkened to a dangerous shade of black. ‘You feel incredible,’ he said thickly. ‘Tell me you’re OK—say something.’

But she couldn’t speak. Couldn’t find any words to express what she was feeling. All she could do was move and when she did that the breath hissed through his teeth.

‘I’ll take that as an indication that I’m not hurting you.’ He groaned, dropping his mouth to hers. His kiss was raw, passionate and hotly sexual, the skilled slide of his tongue winding the excitement tighter and tighter until Selene was aware of nothing except the building tension in her body.

Each controlled thrust of his body was designed to draw the maximum response from hers until the ache inside her grew agonising, her need for him a ravenous hunger that swept away sanity. Heat engulfed her as he drove her towards the peak with a smooth, expert rhythm and then her body tightened and she was launched into an entirely different world, a world that consisted of nothing but her and this man—just the two of them, blended in every way that mattered. Overwhelmed by sheer physical excitement, she was trapped in a vicious cycle of pleasure that sent spasm after spasm of pulsing ecstasy through her thoroughly over-sensitised body and drove him to the same point.

It was the most perfect moment of her life.

And when she finally emerged from that suspended state of erotic intensity, Stefan kissed her gently and rolled onto his side, taking her with him, stroking her hair away from her face with a hand that wasn’t quite steady.

‘That,’ he said hoarsely, ‘was incredible.’

Dazed, Selene kept her face against his shoulder, but he gave a low laugh and forced her to look at him.

‘You’re not hiding from me.’ He stroked her flushed cheek with gentle fingers, his gaze searching. ‘Are you OK?’

Lifting her head, Selene tumbled into that dark gaze. ‘I feel amazing,’ she mumbled. ‘It’s better than champagne.’

Humour in his eyes, he drew her head to his and kissed her. ‘Much better than champagne...’

Still dazed by her own shocking reaction to him, Selene closed her eyes.