‘Just as long as you know that’s all it will be.’ Maria cleared her throat gently. ‘Stefan is the stuff of female dreams, but he quickly turns into a nightmare for most women. He isn’t the happy-ever-after type—you do know that, don’t you? Because you seem like a really nice girl and I’d hate to see you hurt.’

Selene paused with her hand on the dress.

She knew all about hurt and this wasn’t it. ‘I won’t be hurt. I’m excited. It will be fun to just enjoy myself for one night.’ Fun to be able to make a decision to go to a party. Fun to decide what to wear. For once, her life felt almost normal.

‘You don’t usually enjoy yourself?’

‘I have an overprotective father.’ Realising that she’d said more than she intended to, Selene draped the dress over her arm. ‘Is there somewhere I can try it on?’

‘You’ll need underwear.’ Maria handed her several boxes. ‘Go and change and if you need help, call me.’

An hour later Selene was the proud owner of the most beautiful dress she’d ever seen, along with a small emergency wardrobe suitable for an overnight stay at a luxury villa on a Greek island. Ahead of her lay the most exciting night of her life, and if lurking underneath her happiness was a fear that her father might return early she dismissed it.

That wasn’t going to happen.

She’d have plenty of time to get home, persuade her mother to leave and be long gone before he returned.

* * *

‘You can’t do this. You can’t take that girl to the party. It’s immoral.’

Stefan glanced up from the papers he was signing to find Maria standing in front of his desk like a general facing down an enemy army.

‘Now, that’s the look you’re supposed to give unwanted visitors.’ He flung down his pen. ‘Do I need to remind you that you were the one who showed her into the lion’s den?’

‘I’m serious, Stefan. Take someone else. Someone more your type.’

‘Just this morning you were lecturing me on picking the wrong type. Make up your mind.’

‘I wasn’t telling you to prey on innocent girls.’

‘She’s an adult. She knows what she’s doing.’ He picked up his pen and flicked through the papers on his desk.

‘She’s an idealist. She thinks you’re thoughtful and kind.’

‘I know.’ Smiling, Stefan signed the back page. ‘For once, I’m the good guy. An unfamiliar role, I admit, but I’m surprised by how much I’m enjoying the novelty.’

‘You’re treating her like a shiny new toy that you can play with.’ Maria’s mouth set in a firm line. ‘Send her home to her father.’

Stefan was careful not to let the sudden flare of emotion show on his face. Slowly, he put his pen down. ‘Do you know who her father is?’

‘No. Although she mentioned something about him being overprotective.’

‘Is that a useful synonym for “tyrant”, I wonder? Her father, Maria, is Stavros Antaxos.’ He watched as Maria’s face lost some of its colour. ‘Yes. Exactly.’ He heard his voice harden and it irritated him th

at just saying the name was enough to do that to him. He’d had over two decades to learn how to control his response.

‘How on earth can a man like that produce someone as charming as Selene?’

He’d been asking himself the same question.

‘I assume she takes after her mother.’

Maria looked troubled. ‘But why would someone as wealthy as her, from such a close family, come to you?’

He’d been asking himself the same question. Repeatedly. ‘I’m a hero, didn’t you know? I’m the first man women think of when they’re in trouble.’

‘You’re the man who causes the trouble.’