‘Oh. I expect you want to ask me about my revenue projections. I’ve had an order for five thousand from Hot Spa. They’re the most exclusive chain of spa hotels in Greece. But of course you know that...’ Her voice tailed off. ‘You own them.’

Stefan handed the candle back to her. ‘That wasn’t my question, either.’

She gulped. Licked her lips. ‘Sorry—I’m talking too much. I do that when I’m—’ desperate ‘—excited.’

‘My first question,’ he said slowly, ‘is why someone like you would even want to set up a business. Are you bored?’

Bored? She bit back a bubble of hysterical laughter. ‘No.’

‘You’re an heiress. You don’t need to run a business.’

He had no idea. ‘I want to prove myself.’

He stared at her for a long moment. ‘Which brings me to my second question—why come to me? If you’re serious about this then your father could put up the investment.’

Selene made sure her smile didn’t slip. ‘I don’t want my father’s name on it. This is my project. I want to own it. I don’t want anyone doing me favours.’ It was a lie, of course. She needed all the favours she could grab. ‘I can’t approach the banks because they won’t help me without asking my father’s permission. I tried to think of someone who isn’t under his thumb and I came up with you. You told me to look you up in five years—’

The silence stretched between them.

Looking at his hard, handsome face she felt the confidence drain out of her. In an appalling flash of clarity she realised she’d made a monumental mistake. Losing her nerve, horribly embarrassed, she rose to her feet. ‘Thank you for listening.’

He stirred, uncrossed those long, lean legs and stood up, dominating the room. ‘You came to me for a business loan. Don’t you want to hear my answer?’

‘I—I thought you might need time to think about it.’

‘I’ve had all the time I need.’

So the answer was no. Her shoulders sagged. Misery seeped into her veins.

‘Right. Well—’

‘My answer is yes.’

Because it wasn’t what she was expecting to hear, it took a moment for his words to sink in.

‘Seriously? You’re not just saying that because I’ve made it hard for you to say no?’

‘No is my favourite word. I don’t find it hard to say.’

But he wasn’t saying it to her. ‘I just thought you might be agreeing to help me because you don’t want me to feel bad.’

A strange expression crossed his face. ‘That isn’t the reason.’

His eyes were on her mouth and she saw something in his face that made her heart pound just a little harder in her chest.

I lie awake at night thinking about you.

He was silent for a long moment and then strolled to the window and stared across the city. ‘It is going to drive your father crazy. Does that bother you?’

Yes, it bothered her. Her safety and the safety of her mother rested on a knife-edge, which was why she had to get away.

She had a sudden urge to tell him the truth, but years of keeping her secret and loyalty to her mother prevented her from doing it. And she knew enough about Stefan Ziakas to know that he wasn’t going to be interested in the details of her personal life. He avoided all that, didn’t he? He would never let anything personal interfere with business. ‘He has to understand that this is my life and I want to make my own mistakes. I want to be independent.’

‘So this is delayed teenage rebellion?’

Let him think that if he wanted to. ‘I know you’re not afraid of going up against him. I read that article recently—the headline was “Clash of the Titans”. And the mere mention of your name is enough to put my father in a bad mood for days.’ She stared at his broad shoulders, wondering if the sudden tension she saw there was a product of her imagination.

‘And has he ever told you why?’