* * *

Alessio strolled up to the open door of the villa and paused, stunned by the vision that confronted him.

The door was open and he watched transfixed as Lindsay—a vastly different Lindsay—twisted her hair into a knot and fastened it with a clasp made from a seashell.

Her slender form shimmered in turquoise silk, an exotic vision of femininity. His gaze lingered on the curve of her bottom and he felt an instantaneous surge of lust.

‘Well—’ without waiting for an invitation, he strolled into the living room ‘—you clearly didn’t have a problem finding something to wear in the wardrobe.’

And he’d expected her to. In fact he’d prepared himself for protests. But there was no protest. Instead she appeared almost serene.

‘Why would I have had a problem?’ Tilting her head, she checked her reflection in the mirror, as composed and controlled as ever. ‘It’s incredibly generous of you to lend me so many beautiful things. Thank you, Alessio.’ With a smile that appeared genuine, she slid her feet into a pair of sparkling jewelled shoes with heels so high that walking should have been impossible.

Scanning the length of her legs, Alessio was forced to admit that, yet again, Lindsay Lockheart had surprised him. He hadn’t expected a positive reaction to the wardrobe he’d provided. He’d instructed the staff to select glamorous clothes, designed to accommodate the needs of a relaxed woman on a beach holiday.

Lindsay wasn’t anyone’s idea of a relaxed woman.

Knowing what he knew about her desire to control every aspect of her life, he was astonished that she’d apparently embraced someone else’s choice of clothes—particularly when those clothes were a dramatic departure from her normal choice of dress. He had a strong suspicion that dressing in a boring and businesslike fashion was all part of her desperate urge to control her surroundings and the way everyone reacted to her. That being the case, he would have expected her to be uncomfortable parted from her crisp white shirt and her safe navy skirt. Instead she was reacting to her new look with decidedly feminine enjoyment.

Far from rejecting the clothes, she seemed to be revelling in them.

His experienced eye noted the subtle touches of make-up that drew attention to her soft, lush mouth and her smooth creamy skin.

And then something in her eyes caught his attention—a cool unspoken challenge that was at odds with a woman who was dressing up purely for pleasure.

And he knew then that she wasn’t relaxed.

He smiled to himself, deriving a certain satisfaction from the fact that he’d read her correctly after all. She wasn’t at all relaxed. But she was determined that he wouldn’t know it.

So why was she wearing the clothes?

Why wasn’t she standing in front of him demanding that he find her a navy linen suit or something else designed to extinguish the last burning embers of a man’s libido?

‘Has your client arrived?’ Still focusing on her reflection, she pushed a few wisps of blonde hair away from her face.

‘Not yet.’

‘Clearly he has money to burn.’ Lindsay turned to face him. ‘I’m sure you’ll charge him for your time, whether he turns up or not.’

‘Of course.’

They were sustaining a conversation and yet an entirely different form of communication was simmering beneath the surface of cool civility. With his skill at reading women, Alessio noted the slight flush in her cheeks that had nothing to do with the application of make-up and the darkening of her eyes.

Dealing with his own burn of lust, he wondered how long they were going to play this game.

‘I still haven’t managed to contact Ruby.’

He had a feeling she’d raised the subject of her sister purely to remind him of the reason she was here.

‘That doesn’t surprise me. If she wanted you to know where she is, she would have told you.’

Alessio felt the vicious tug of lust deep in his loins because she looked truly beautiful and something about the way she was looking at him drove every rational thought from his head.

‘Something wrong, Alessio?’ She raised an eyebrow and he smiled in response, well aware that she’d won that round.

Suffer, her eyes were saying and he almost laughed because he was suffering and he was completely sure that she knew it.

For a brief moment he contemplated backing her against the enormous bed and removing the dress he’d paid for, but he knew that such an unsubtle approach would just give her opportunity to reject him.