Her amazing blue eyes widened. ‘Should I?’

‘You have an incredible talent.’

She frowned slightly, as if it hadn’t occurred to her, and he felt a flash of frustration that her astonishing ability had clearly gone unrecognised for so long.

Never one to allow raw talent to go to waste, Angelos promised himself that he was going to change that.

Perhaps, if she spent enough time with him, some of his confidence would rub off on her. ‘I hate to say this—’ he slid his hand over the tempting curve of her bottom ‘—but we need to leave.’

Her smile faltered. ‘We could just stay in—’

‘I want to show you off.’ And it was true. Not only was she stunningly beautiful, she was also bright, funny and incredibly warm-natured. ‘And you have no reason to be under-confident. You will outshine every woman in the room. And they will all want to know where you bought your dress, so you’d better have some answers ready.’

* * *

The dinner was an elegant affair, attended by the cream of Athens society. They welcomed her graciously, but Chantal couldn’t help but be aware of the curiosity in their eyes as they watched her and wondered.

‘They’re staring,’ she murmured to Angelos as he placed a tall flute of champagne in her hand.

‘Of course they’re staring. Your dress is every bit as amazing as the one you wore in Paris.’

‘I wish I’d worn something different.’ Hideously self-conscious, she felt as though she were standing naked. ‘They’re gossiping and wondering.’

‘Are they?’ He slid an arm round her waist and drew her against him. ‘Then we’d better give them something decent to gossip about.’ He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her gently, undoubtedly aware that the affectionate gesture was unlikely to have been missed by a single person in the room. Leisurely and unhurried, he finally lifted his head and she gave a soft gasp of disbelief.

‘I thought you weren’t into public displays.’

‘I’m not,’ he drawled, angling his head and eyeing those around him with cool disdain. ‘Which just goes to prove how much you’ve changed me. If people wish to gossip, agape mou, then let them gossip. It doesn’t affect us. And now I’m going to introduce you to some people who matter to me.’

His arm possessive as it rested on her waist, he drew her into the sophisticated crowd and immediately people surged forward.

He moved among them, speaking briefly to some, at greater length to others, always with authority and a natural air of command. People pressed in on them, all desperate to be associated with him in some way.

‘Why does everyone want to talk to you?’ Chantal touched his arm. ‘Are you a genius or is it just because you’re rich?’

He threw back his head and laughed and several people glanced towards them in astonishment, clearly wondering who or what had amused him so much. ‘Both.’ His eyes teased her gently. ‘I’m a genius, and that’s why I’m rich. The two invariably go together.’

‘And you’re arrogant. Don’t forget that bit.’ Laughing at him, she glanced around her. ‘I just can’t believe these people are all genuine.’

‘They’re not.’ He took her hand and led her onto the terrace. Beneath them lay the city, glittering like jewelled cloth. ‘I’m glad you came tonight.’

‘You didn’t give me any choice.’ She placed a hand on his chest, keeping him slightly at a distance. It was the only way she could concentrate. ‘We have things we need to talk about, Angelos…’

‘Yes.’ His voice soft, he moved slightly so that his powerful shoulders shielded her from curious guests. ‘So, let’s talk.’

‘Here?’ Surprised, she tilted her head back to look at him. ‘You don’t want to wait until we’re home?’

‘When we’re home, we won’t be talking.’ His powerful thigh brushed suggestively against hers and she gave a stifled gasp.

‘Oh—’ Invisible sensuous threads were pulling them together in the semi-darkness.

‘What do you want to say, Chantal?’

She could tell from his voice that he was as tightly wound as she was and she took a deep breath, trying to subdue the throbbing passion that threatened to consume both of them. ‘It’s time to tell your father the truth.’ He seems so much better now.

‘I agree. We’ll do it tomorrow.’

‘I don’t want him hurt.’