‘You haven’t asked?’

Alessio smiled. ‘I’m sure he’ll arrive when he’s ready.’

‘But you’ve adjusted your working schedule to accommodate him—’

‘And he’s paying me for the privilege,’ Alessio drawled softly. ‘How he chooses to use my time is entirely up to him. In the meantime we’re free to—relax and get to know each other better.’ He saw the movement in her throat as she swallowed.

‘I don’t want to get to know you better. I already know you well enough.’

‘But didn’t you say that it was important to delve deeper?’

‘You’re twisting my words.’

‘I’m merely playing your own words back to you.’

She turned her head and looked at the ocean, but he could see the desperation in her eyes and she took se

veral small breaths before turning back to him. ‘If you don’t need me to work immediately then perhaps you could lend me the file and I’ll go back to the villa and make some notes. At least then I’ll be prepared when he finally turns up. I can sign a confidentiality agreement if you think it’s necessary.’

He wondered what it would take to get her out of that navy skirt and away from her legal pad. ‘Do you sail?’

‘Sorry?’ She looked startled. ‘Why are you asking that?’

‘Because we need to find a way of passing the time until my client arrives. I have other suggestions, of course…’ Alessio allowed his sentence to remain unfinished, enjoying the confusion in her eyes.

‘I don’t need you to entertain me.’ Apparently that last remark was sufficient to make her reach for her drink. Lifting it to her lips, she took a large sip and then put the glass carefully back down on the table. ‘If you have no immediate need for me, I’ll just stay in my villa and take the odd swim. You carry on and do whatever it is you usually do when you’re here.’ Her tight voice suggested that she knew exactly what his usual form of entertainment was, and Alessio laughed.

‘You’re going to swim?’

‘Why is that funny?’

‘Because I’ve never seen anyone swimming in a navy skirt before. And you seem determined not to be parted from yours.’

‘Don’t be ridiculous.’

‘I just can’t imagine you relaxing enough to strip off.’

‘I’ve already told you—I’m perfectly capable of relaxing, Alessio.’

He studied her for a moment wondering what it was about her that was holding his attention. ‘In that case go and change out of those warm winter clothes and have a dip in the sea. I’ll pick you up at eight o’clock for dinner.’

‘I don’t have anything to change into.’

‘My staff will have rectified that by now, I’m sure.’ He’d given them an exact brief on what he wanted and now he was waiting with interest to see how Lindsay reacted to her new wardrobe. He had a feeling that the clothes she wore were part of her defence.

What would happen to her rigid control when she was no longer protected by the comforting security of navy blue or black?

She was convinced she had the mental strength to resist the chemistry between them.

Alessio suddenly discovered just how much he was looking forward to proving her wrong.


LINDSAY stared at her reflection in despair.

When she’d returned to the villa to find the wardrobe stocked with a wide selection of summery clothes, she’d been relieved and grateful.

Reluctant though she’d been to admit as much to Alessio, she was boiling and had been finding her skirt scratchy and uncomfortable in the shimmering Caribbean heat.