He’d paid her no attention whatsoever.

And perhaps that was just as well, she reflected, because her astonishment and awe when she’d seen the inside of his private jet had bordered on the gauche.

She had no idea how Isabelle would have reacted, but her mouth had dropped open in disbelief as she’d taken in the sumptuous cream leather sofas and the soft carpeting.

If it hadn’t been for the uniformed cabin attendant’s instruction to fasten her seat belt, she would have believed that it was all a mistake and she was actually in a high-class apartment. She’d been afraid to eat or drink in case she dropped something and her one trip to the bathroom had left her wishing she’d had time to design herself a new wardrobe.

By contrast, Angelos had merely divested himself of the jacket of his suit, loosened his tie, and ordered a black coffee.

Greek coffee, she assumed, staring at the thick black grounds that remained in the bottom of his cup.

Her most anxious moment had occurred when he’d asked for her passport. But she needn’t have worried because he’d simply handed it straight to one of his staff—a woman who clearly had no idea which name was supposed to be inside the document.

Since then he hadn’t looked at her. Hadn’t once asked after her comfort. Hadn’t even hurled an insult in her direction or given her one of his looks.

It was almost as if he preferred to think she didn’t exist.

Which had made her journey more comfortable, but didn’t bode well for the roles they were supposed to play.

His last few moments of freedom, she mused, wondering how he was ever going to manage to maintain this charade once they arrived at his island.

She waited until he’d terminated his latest phone call and then spoke. ‘Are we pretending to be lovers who have had a row?’

He glanced up from the figures he was scanning, his thick dark lashes drawing attention to his eyes. ‘A row?’

‘We are supposed to be adding to your father’s relaxation. I don’t think being with two people who react to each other in stony silence is going to do much for his peace of mind. If we were already married, then I think divorce would be looming.’

His eyes narrowed, and he dropped the paper onto the table. ‘When I need to talk to you, I’ll talk.’

‘Fine. But there are a few things I need to know if I’m going to stand any chance of being convincing.’

‘Such as?’

‘Details. Facts. The sort of things that would have come up in conversation. Does anyone else live on the island, or is it just you?’

He leaned back in his chair. ‘Stop pretending you’re not already in possession of a full list of my assets.’

Chantal sighed. Clearly a woman like Isabelle would have known the answer to that question. ‘Has it ever occurred to you that you might have misjudged me?’

No. Why would it?’ He tucked his pen back into his pocket.

‘Don’t even think about playing any of your usual games.’

‘Don’t worry.’ Having no idea what Isabelle’s usual games were, Chantal kept her answer suitably vague. ‘I’m just going to lie by the pool and chat to your father.’

‘And don’t get any ideas on that score, either.’

‘What?’ She felt a flicker of exasperation. ‘I thought that was what you wanted me to do?’

‘Your role is to convince my father that we are a happy couple. I’m well aware that your taste can run to older men if the price is right. In this case, don’t even think about it.’

It took her a moment to grasp his meaning. ‘Are you suggesting that I’m interested in your father?’

‘You seemed interested enough the night of the ball. You were all over him. Flirting.’
