Feeling hot, sticky and desperately unsettled, Lindsay dumped her small overnight bag on the floor of the villa and burst out laughing. When Alessio had told her she would be staying in a villa she’d imagined that she’d be sharing something relatively modest with several other people. Instead, the smiling staff member who had met their seaplane had led her to a private villa. A villa just for her. And her overnight bag looked as out of place as she felt.

The spacious living room opened directly onto the beach and was decorated in a sophisticated palette of cool colours that created an atmosphere of restful calm. The bedroom was dominated by an enormous teak four-poster bed, draped in acres of light creamy muslin and dressed with piles of silk cushions in elegant, restrained shades.

Lindsay stared around her in disbelief, so distracted by her surroundings that she forgot she was hot, sticky and desperately uncomfortable. She forgot about the hot burn of sexual awareness that had been with her ever since she’d arrived at Alessio’s office. She even forgot that she still hadn’t managed to contact Ruby. She was so stunned by the sheer luxury of the villa that for a moment she simply stood there.

What was she doing here?

Had this really been Ruby’s life? It was hardly surprising she’d loved her job if this was one of the perks.

She strolled through a door and found herself in a lavish marble bathroom that again opened directly onto the beach. Taking in the multispray shower and the array of exclusive toiletries, Lindsay shook her head.

It was possible to lie in the bath and stare at the palm trees swaying on the beach.

If staying here was work, what did Alessio Capelli do for entertainment?

Hearing footsteps behind her, she turned and saw a pretty blonde girl dressed in a white uniform standing in the doorway.

‘I’m Natalya. I’m your housekeeper for the duration of your stay at Kingfisher Cay. Anything you want, you have only to ask. I expect you’re hot and tired after your journey. Would you like to change while I unpack for you?’

Unpack? Unpack what, exactly?

Lindsay’s eyes slid to her bag. It sat forlorn and abandoned in the centre of the polished wooden floor. ‘I don’t have much luggage. I wasn’t expecting—This was a bit of an—impulse trip.’

As if anyone would come to a place like this on impulse. Even for the elite few fortunate enough to be able to afford it, it would be a rare treat. For the rest of the population, the silky sand and turquoise sea of Kingfisher Cay would never be more than a picture to drool over in an exotic travel brochure. Except that this place didn’t feature in travel brochures.

Natalya didn’t appear to find the absence of luggage at all odd. Obviously accustomed to the odd behaviour of the rich and famous, she simply smiled. ‘We pride ourselves in being able to provide anything and everything you need. If you like, you can give me a list. Or I can simply provide you with what I think you’ll need for a happy and comfortable stay here.’

Lindsay smiled at that. ‘You’re even prepared to do my thinking for me?’

‘We’re used to living here,’ Natalya murmured. ‘We know what you’re likely to need.’

‘I don’t want to put you to any trouble. I’m sure you have plenty of other guests.’ More important guests.

‘We have a staff ratio of eight to one.’

‘One member of staff for eight guests?’ Lindsay was thinking that seemed like a lot when the girl smiled.

‘Eight members of staff for each guest.’

Stunned into silence, Lindsay simply gaped at her. ‘Oh—’

‘Signor Capelli asked that you meet him at the Beach Club for a drink in twenty minutes.’

‘Right.’ Lindsay looked at her helplessly. ‘And where is that, exactly?’

‘If you come to the front of your villa when you’re ready, I’ll direct you.’

* * *

Alessio nursed his drink and stared moodily at the smooth turquoise ocean as he contemplated the case. He wasn’t surprised that the ‘A’ list Hollywood star wanted a divorce. What surprised him was that the man had been foolish enough to marry his co-star in the first place.

She had ‘opportunist’ written all over her particularly stunning face.

What was it about a beautiful woman that turned otherwise sensible men into fools?

A yacht drifted across his line of vision, the sails providing an elaborate splash of colour against the endless blue.
