Raul rolled away from her immediately, too dazed even to question her. Part of him thought it only fair to warn her that he doubted his capability for more after what he’d just experienced, but already she was straddling him lightly, the smile on her lips pure temptress.

‘Are you feeling OK, Raul?’

He was about to attempt some sort of response when she lowered herself onto his throbbing shaft and he discovered with electrifying force that his need for this woman knew no limitations.

She moved her hips slowly and skilfully and his hands closed on the curve of her bottom in an instinctive masculine need to increase the pace.

‘No.’ She leaned forward and teased his mouth with hers, the new angle of her body creating a wicked, delicious friction that drew another groan from deep within him.

He was on fire again, his entire body pumped up and primed to thrust but she didn’t let him. Instead she teased him relentlessly, lowering her body and taking him deep and then staying perfectly still for just long enough for the desperate urgency in his loins to make a partial retreat.

Again and again she prolonged the agony until his body was screaming for completion and her eyes were glittering with her own excitement.

Driven past the point of control, Raul gripped her hips, positioned her as he wanted her and drove into her quivering, shivering, pliant body with an uninhibited wildness that bordered on the shocking. He felt her inner muscles grip him violently and for a moment they were both suspended in the grip of fierce, unbelievable pleasure.

Then she collapsed against him and he closed his arms around her, feeling the softness of her hair brushing against his jaw.

He was the first to break the silence. ‘You’ve never done that before.’

‘You’ve never given me a chance,’ she said huskily. ‘You just take the initiative every single time. I used to think I was quite a strong woman, and then I met you.’

‘That’s just because I can’t look at you and not want to be inside you,’ he groaned, his impossibly frank confession drawing a soft laugh from her.

‘You’re very domina

ting, do you know that?’

‘Never again,’ Raul vowed, stroking her soft hair with a reverential hand. ‘It was amazing. You were amazing. From now on I’ll just lie there and let you do all the work. I’ll be passive.’

‘Passive?’ She lifted her head and her eyes sparkled into his. ‘You couldn’t be passive if you tried. You and passive are like oil and water, you just don’t mix.’

‘So why did you choose tonight?’

Her smile faded and there was a sudden shyness in her eyes. ‘We had a problem. I didn’t know how to get through to you.’

‘I thought you said that sex doesn’t solve problems.’

‘It’s always worked for you,’ she muttered. ‘I thought it was worth a try.’

‘It worked.’ He gave a groan and cupped her face in his hands, drawing her mouth to his. ‘Dios mío, it definitely worked. Any time you want to be dominating again, just go ahead.’

* * *

Faith woke to find Raul sprawled in a chair, a brooding expression on his handsome face as he watched her yawn and stretch.

‘It’s lunchtime,’ he informed her smoothly and her eyes widened in surprise.

‘It can’t possibly be that late!’

‘You just crashed out and you haven’t moved since.’ His eyes scanned her features with disturbing intensity. ‘You are as pale as marble. I am going to ask the doctor to see you.’

‘No.’ She sat up and rubbed her eyes, embarrassed that she’d just slept for so long. ‘There’s no need. I’m fine, really. I was just tired. The last few weeks have been stressful.’ The moment the words left her mouth she regretted them because she felt the immediate increase in his tension.

‘I know, and since this is clearly the time for apologies, I’m willing to accept that some of this is my fault.’

Rendered speechless by that uncharacteristic declaration, Faith stared at him and he frowned.

‘Don’t look at me like that. Believe it or not, I am capable of apology when the need arises.’ His eyes darkened and he looked at her for a moment and a faint smile of self-mockery touched his firm mouth. ‘It’s just that the need doesn’t usually arise.’