That was enough.

Behind them, the setting sun was dipping down to the sea, but neither of them noticed the spectacle that drew tourists from all over the world. Their focus was on each other.

Her mouth was as urgent as his, her hands as desperate to touch and explore, and this time it was all the more exciting because she used the knowledge he’d given her. When she ran her tongue along the seam of his sensual mouth he groaned and tried to take possession, but she held back just a little bit, enjoying the feeling of power that came from knowing she was driving him crazy. But holding back only worked as long as he allowed it, and when he clamped his hand on the back of her head and held her for his kiss it was her turn to moan. His kiss was deliberate and unashamedly erotic, each skilled slide of his tongue a tantalising promise of things to come.

When he closed his hands over her bottom and lifted her she instinctively wrapped her legs around him. Her sensitive skin brushed against his solid, muscular thighs and she realised she was naked—that somehow in the heat of that kiss he’d removed the last of her clothing and she hadn’t even noticed. But she noticed now, felt the heat of him brush against her, and the contrast drove her crazy. She dug her fingers into his shoulders, felt resistance and hard muscle beneath sleek bronzed skin.

‘I want you.’ His eyes were so dark they were almost black, his voice a low growl. ‘Here. Now.’

Maybe had she been more coherent she would have worried about the danger of being spotted, but she was beyond caring and simply moved her hips against him in a desperate attempt to relieve the ache between her thighs.

When his hand slid between her legs she gasped against his mouth. The gasp turned to a moan as his fingers explored her with all the intimate knowledge that had driven her wild the first time. His breathing was harsh and shallow, tension etched in his features as he turned her mindless.

And then he shifted her slightly and surged into her. He was hot, so hot in contrast to the cool water, and it felt so impossibly good that she sucked in air and stopped breathing.

‘Cristos—’ His voice was hoarse, his mouth warm on her neck as he struggled to breathe, too. ‘You feel—’

‘Don’t stop. Please, Stefan—’ The need in her was so primal she could do nothing but move her hips.

With a soft curse his fingers tightened on her, his grip almost painful. ‘Just—wait—’

‘Can’t—’ Eyes closed, she arched into him, took him deeper if that were possible, and he groaned and gave in to it.

He felt smooth, hard, powerful, and the excitement spread through her until there wasn’t a single part of her body that couldn’t feel him. She tried to rock her hips but his hands were clamped on her, holding her, limiting her movements, so that he was the one who controlled the rhythm. He was merciless with each stroke until the orgasm ripped through her and she sucked in gasping breaths, only dimly aware that he was gripped in his own fierce climax. And then his mouth was on hers and he kissed her through the whole wild experience, swallowing her cries, her gasps, words she wanted to speak but couldn’t until the whole thing was nothing but a blur of sexual pleasure.

And when it was over, when her body finally stopped shuddering, he cupped her face in his hands, staring down at her with a stunned look in his eyes.

‘That was—’

‘Incredible,’ she muttered and he lowered his head and kissed her. But it was a gentle, lingering kiss designed to soothe not seduce.

‘I don’t know what you do to me—’

‘You were the one doing it to me—you wouldn’t let me move.’

‘I didn’t dare.’ He caught her lower lip gently between his teeth, his eyes fixed on hers. ‘You are the sexiest woman I’ve ever met.’

‘You better not have lied about the fact we’re not overlooked or I just might turn into the most self-conscious woman you’ve ever met.’

He closed his hands around her waist and lifted her easily onto the side of the pool. ‘Let’s take a shower. I think it’s time to put in an order from the pillow menu.’ He vaulted out of the pool after her, water streaming from his bronzed, powerful shoulders.

It was impossible not to stare and of course he caught her staring. ‘Don’t do that.’ Snatching a towel from the nearest sun lounger, he pulled her to her feet and wrapped it around her. ‘I have to—I can’t think when you’re naked—’

She was about to ask why he wanted or needed to think but his hand was in his hair and he was clearly striving for some semblance of control.

‘You’re incredible.’ She could say that, surely, without freaking him out? It wasn’t what was in her heart but it was all she dared say at this stage. Apparently it was the right thing because he scooped her off her feet and carried her through to the bedroom.

‘I’ll demonstrate just how incredible—’

She giggled and tightened her grip on him. ‘You’re going to do your back in.’

‘It’s not my back I’m worried about. It’s other parts of me.’

‘Really? Because I might be able to help you with that.’ She slid her arms round his neck and pressed her lips to the damp skin of his throat. Then she lifted her head and looked around the bedroom, with its glorious views over the sea. ‘I love it here. I could stay forever.’

She felt the change in him. Felt it ripple through him as he lowered her to the ground.

‘Why don’t you take the first shower? While you’re doing that I’ll check my e-mails.’