‘Naturally we are concerned. Unlike you, she welcomes the protection. It has allowed her to relax and enjoy her new life and her old friends.’

Selene thought about how frightened her mother had been. ‘All right—’ her voice sounded stiff ‘—maybe I’m grateful to you for helping my mother, but don’t think it’s going to change the way I feel about you.’

‘You’re very cynical all of a sudden, koukla mou. It doesn’t suit you. It isn’t who you are.’

‘It is now. And it was being with you that made me this way.’

‘So you’ve changed personality in a matter of weeks? I don’t believe that. You are the most open, trusting person I’ve met.’

‘You mean I’m stupid.’

A frown touched his brows. ‘No. I do not mean that.’ He took a deep breath. ‘I realise we have some obstacles to overcome, but it would be much easier to overcome them if I wasn’t worrying about your safety all the time. I want you to come and stay at my villa, at least for a while.’

The temptation was so great it horrified her. ‘No, thanks.’

‘I don’t want you living on your own.’

‘Well, I want it. I’ve lived under my father’s rules for so long I want the freedom to come and go as I please. I can wear what I like. See whoever I like. Be who I want to be.’

‘And who do you want to be?’

She’d thought about nothing else.

‘Myself,’ she said simply. ‘I want to be myself. Not someone else’s version of who they think I should be.’

‘So if I ask you—the real you—out to dinner, will you say yes?’

Selene swallowed, unsettled by how much being this close to him affected her. What scared her most in all this was how badly she lost her judgement around him. She didn’t want to be the sort of woman who lost her mind around a man. ‘Why are you bothering? Why are you so persistent?’

‘When there is something I want, I go for it. That’s who I am.’

‘And you’re pretending that’s me? Come on, Stefan, we had one night. A whole night. I’m already the longest relationship you ever had.’

‘And I’m the only relationship you’ve ever had.’ His eyes were dark and not once did they shift from hers. ‘Are you telling me you don’t want to explore that? Are you telling me you don’t think about it?’

The heat went right through her body. ‘I try not to because when I remember I also remember how you used me to score points with my father.’

A muscle flickered in his jaw. ‘You don’t believe that it was not intentional?’

‘No, I don’t.’ She didn’t dare. She was not going to be gullible. ‘I think you’re trying to talk your way out of trouble.’

He stared down at her for a long moment. ‘Even if you don’t want to eat with me you’re working yourself to the bone trying to afford to live. Let me help you.’

‘I don’t need or want your help. I’m doing fine by myself.’

‘Working in a taverna?’ He lifted his hand and touched her cropped hair. ‘What about your scented candles? What happened to the dream?’

‘The dream is still there. I’m working to get the money I need to set up in business.’

‘You’re determined to do things the hard way?’

‘I’m determined to do things myself.’

‘I said I’d give you a business loan. That offer still stands.’

‘I no longer want anything from you.’

His gaze was suddenly thoughtful. ‘You’re worried you can’t control your feelings around me?’