‘I’ll take them. They look as though they’ve had a bit too much to drink already. Just my type.’

Selene frowned. ‘I can handle it.’

‘You serve Ziakas. He’s more important. Plenty of people round here wish he’d give up running his company and run Greece. He’d soon sort out our problems. You only have to look at him to know there is nothing that man doesn’t do well.’

Selene stared at her for a moment, wondering how she could have been so obtuse. ‘You work for him. You’re the one who has been watching me.’

Mariana hesitated and then shrugged. ‘One of them. I don’t see why it has to be a secret. If a man was going to all this trouble for me, I’d want to know. I mean, the guy has done everything except call in air support. He obviously adores you.’

‘I thought we were friends?’

‘We are friends. Just because I’m an expert in hand-to-hand combat doesn’t mean I can’t have female friendships.’

Selene’s head was reeling. ‘So you’re—?’

‘Ex-military. But fortunately I also make a mean cappuccino. It’s a useful skill.’

Mouth tight, Selene picked up the coffee order from the counter and thrust the cup to Mariana. ‘In that case you can serve him. He’s your boss.’

‘A few layers above me. Technically I work for Takis. I don’t understand why you’re upset.’ Mariana’s expression was curious. ‘The guy has virtually enlisted the Marines to keep you safe. And he is so tough. If a guy like him were that keen on me I wouldn’t be complaining. Unfortunately I only attract losers and once they discover I can break their arm with one twist they run away terrified. No idea why.’

‘He’s not keen.’

‘Right. So he’s going to all this trouble just for his entertainment? I don’t think so.’ Marianna added a spoon to the saucer. ‘Why not just go out with him a few times? Have some fun with his bank account?’

‘The problem with rich guys,’ Selene said tightly, ‘is that they think all that money gives them the right to trample all over you.’

Mariana’s gaze slid to Stefan. ‘He can trample on me any time he likes. Sadly he hasn’t looked once in my direction and that’s because he can’t stop looking at you. Are you seriously not going to do anything about that?’

‘No, I’m not. Tell me one other thing—did he arrange for me to have this job?’

Mariana pulled a face. ‘I—’

‘Great. So I didn’t even get this on my own merits.’ Furious, confused, she walked over to the group of men. ‘What can I get you?’

They were rowdy but good-natured, and this was their third trip to the taverna in the same week so she recognised them immediately.

‘Hey, Lena—’ one of them winked at her ‘—what are the specials tonight?’

She told them, handing out menus and taking their drinks order, shifting slightly to one side when the man’s hand covered her bottom.

‘I recommend the lamb.’

‘We’re going clubbing later. Will you come?’

‘I’ll be too tired after working here all day, but thanks for the invitation.’ She was used to deflecting invitations and she kept it light and friendly, kept the smile on her face, all the while aware of Stefan seated two tables away, listening to every word.

She felt him watching her. Felt those sinfully sexy eyes following her every move as she moved between tables serving tourists and locals.

He sat still as Mariana delivered his coffee, and continued to watch Selene until her nerves were shredded and she hardly dared hold a plate in case it slipped from her sweaty fingers.

The fact that they’d been watching her without her knowledge freaked her out.

Who else was watching her?

Suddenly she made a decision.

Walking through to the bar area, which couldn’t be seen from the restaurant, she smiled sickly at the owner and told him she was feeling unwell. The job wasn’t real anyway. He’d only given her the job because the Ziakas machine had swung into action.