He kissed his way along my cheek to my mouth and I felt the rough scrape of his jaw against my skin. My stomach tensed with anticipation. I didn’t understand how I could want him again so badly after what we’d just done.

He slid his hands to my hips and flipped me over. I felt his hand slide down my spine, linger on the curve of my bottom and then slide between my thighs and I closed my eyes because he knew exactly where to touch me, exactly how to drive me wild.

He pulled me up so that I was on my knees, anchored my hips with his hands and slid deep. I closed my eyes. I couldn’t see him but my erotic imagination soared into overdrive. I could visualize how we must look, him with those powerful thighs pressed hard up against mine so there was no space between us. Me, my hair tumbling forward over my face, my bottom lifted to him as I knelt before him like some pagan sacrifice. He drew back and then thrust again and I moaned, feeling every inch of him. I was so aroused, so sensitized, the pleasure close to agonizing. My neck was damp with sweat, my whole body trembling with every deliberate thrust. I knew I wasn’t going to last. He knew it, too, but this time it seemed he wasn’t going to make me wait. Or maybe he was the one who didn’t want to wait, because he reached forward and slid those skilled, expert fingers over my slick flesh. The first ripple of my orgasm drew a groan from deep in his throat. I felt myself tighten around him and then my loss of control became his and he erupted in a forceful climax, holding me tightly as he buried himself deep. It was primal, primitive and nothing like anything we’d shared before.

Afterward I didn’t think I was capable of moving. I felt wrung out, shattered and a bit stunned but he eased away from me, rolled me over and came down on top of me, his gaze fixed on mine with disturbing intensity.

I stared up at him, trying to look cool about the whole thing, but I felt as if I’d suffered a direct hit from a meteorite. I couldn’t move, couldn’t think, so when he reached across and pulled another condom out of the drawer by his bed, I gave a whimper of protest.

‘Hunter, I can’t. I’m too sensitive. You can’t possibly be able to—Oh...’

He slid his hand under me and this time he entered me slowly, by degrees, taking his time, proving once again that his self-control was so much better developed than mine, and I discovered I wasn’t too sensitive. I discovered that sex with Hunter was an addiction I wasn’t likely to recover from anytime soon.

I wrapped my legs around him, slid my hands up his chest and stroked my hands over the hard bulge of his biceps.

The excitement was almost unbearable and I knew he felt it, too, because he kept his eyes on mine the whole time, which made the whole experience more intimate. There was no way either of us could not know who we were with. He was as into me as I was him. Our mouths fused, his tongue stroked mine and he thrust deeper. Dimly, in the back of my mind, I realized I was in trouble. I was supposed to be getting him out of my system. I was supposed to be detached and just interested in sex, but this felt like so much more than that. I tried to grab hold of that thought and work out just how much trouble I was in, but his hand cupped my face as he surged into me again and again, adjusting the angle until the whole of me was flooded with intense white heat. With every skilled stroke, he proved just how well he knew me and I moaned his name, losing all hope of playing it cool or hiding my feelings. He was so strong, so masculine in every way and everything we did was on a different level.

I felt myself tighten around him, heard him swear under his breath as my body gripped his and we both lost control at the same moment. I held on to his broad shoulders, battered by the powerful surge of pleasure, swamped by a wash of sensation that threatened to drown me. He lowered his mouth to mine and we kissed right through it so that there wasn’t a single part of us that wasn’t involved and engaged.

Total sex, I thought. I’d given all of me. Everything.

Everything except my heart.

We stayed like that for a long time, his weight crushing me, my arms holding on to him. Then he seemed to realize he was probably too heavy and he rolled onto his back and took me with him so I was curved against him. His arm kept me locked against his side. My head rested on his shoulder, which basically meant I was staring at his chest. Women probably would have bought tickets to see this view.

His arm tightened. ‘I missed you.’

It was the last thing I expected him to say and I closed my eyes tightly, trying to push back the emotions that threatened to engulf me.

‘Really? Because I hardly noticed you were gone.’

‘So Hayley was lying when she said you cried every night for six months?’

I sensed from his tone he was smiling. ‘She was exaggerating. She always exaggerates.’

‘No, she doesn’t. She’s a scientist. She bases everything on fact. She said you lost weight.’

‘That was intentional. I was training hard.’

There was a brief pause. His grip on me tightened. ‘I’m sorry I made you cry, Ninja.’

‘I’m not. If it hadn’t been for you, I never would have dated men like Brian and think what I would have missed.’ I made light of it because the alternative was getting heavy and I didn’t want that, but when I tried to sit up he held me tightly.

‘I hurt you.’

‘I don’t really want to talk about this.’


‘Because if we talk about it, I have to remember my awful behaviour.’

He rolled onto his side and looked at me, a frown on his face. ‘Awful?’

‘I was so needy. I smothered you.’

‘You were having a difficult time.’ He stroked my hair back from my face. ‘How are things with your parents now?’

‘Okay. We don’t see that much of them. I have Hayley and we have a great group of friends. I suppose our friends are our family. I’m sorry for my parents.’ It had taken a long time to feel that way, but it was true. ‘They were so wrong for each other. They just made each other miserable.’