She closed the pizza box. ‘Think of all those lovely comforting carbs you’d bring home every week. And you wouldn’t want to eat them, which would mean all the more for me.’

‘And then I’d make you work them off in the gym. You were about to tell me what my problem is.’ I executed a perfect roundhouse kick, which probably would have looked scary had I not been wearing my cute bunny pyjamas. I missed my sister’s head by the width of a pizza crust but she’d lived with me for too long to bother ducking. ‘What’s my problem?’

‘Apart from your congenital need to kick me in the head from time to time? Hunter was your first lover. You built him up into this godlike figure and you’ve compared every man to him ever since.’

‘That’s not true.’

‘It is. The two of you were really close. When he walked away from you, he tore you in two and you never even had a chance to yell at him, because he was gone. It’s hardly surprising you’re still churned up inside. You have so much unfinished business. And you haven’t allowed any of us to mention his name for the past five years. In your head he’s still the perfect man.’

That got my attention. ‘He is so not the perfect man. That isn’t why I hate talking about him.’

‘I know. You’re embarrassed because you think you were needy, but part of that was because you’re romantic. You always were.’

I thought about what had just happened in the changing rooms.

I could have described it in many different ways, but the word romantic wouldn’t have been anywhere in the description.

‘You shouldn’t feel bad about it.’ My sister’s voice was soft. ‘Mum and Dad were behaving like idiots, but Hunter was always there. It’s not surprising you latched on to him.’

‘Please don’t remind me.’

‘That’s all in the past. Answer me one question.’ Hayley pushed the empty pizza box away with her foot. ‘Who is the best sex you ever had?’

‘My vibrator.’ I said it flippantly but she carried on looking at me as only my sister can and I sighed. ‘Hunter.’

‘Right. You had amazing sex with him and you haven’t had amazing sex since.’

I chewed my lip. I decided not to admit that tonight had been pretty amazing. ‘And?’

‘And you should have sex with him again. This time you’ve shaken off all the emotional baggage. It would be fun and you’d save a fortune on batteries.’

‘No way. He’s my boss.’ Just thinking about working with him every day made me want to order another pizza. Ten inches—and yes, I’m still talking about the pizza—with extra cheese. And I’m not generally big on comfort eating. ‘I wouldn’t have sex with my boss.’ Except that I already had, sort of.


I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to use the changing rooms again.

Facing him on Monday was going to be a nightmare.

‘I’m not doing this again. Not with Hunter.’

‘Why not? You’re not in love with him anymore. This time around, you can have the fun without any of the Romeo-and-Juliet drama. This time it’s all on your terms. All the sex with none of the heartbreak.’

‘I am not going to have sex with him.’ I told myself what had happened in the changing room didn’t count. ‘No way.’

Hayley picked up the empty pizza box and stood up. ‘Fine. Carry on dating guys like Brian, who isn’t even strong enough to lift the cupcake he wants you to bake.’

‘I don’t judge guys by the size of their biceps.’

‘Neither do I.’

‘Just because you’re having sex with an Italian stallion who has brain and biceps, there is no need to be smug.’

‘Do I look smug?’ She smiled smugly. ‘Take control. You’re older. Wiser. You are working with a hot, sexy guy. It’s a shame to waste him.’

‘I’m not interested and neither is he.’

‘You think not?’ Her smile widened. ‘For two people who aren’t interested you generate a lot of electricity when you’re in the same room. The two of you could solve the energy crisis with one touch.’