Grateful for the interruption, I nodded and walked past him out of the room, trying to come to terms with the fact that my dream job had turned to torture. I was going to have to see him every day. Work with him. And not kiss him. I’d had my chance with him and I’d messed it up.

I taught the rest of my classes on automatic.

All I wanted to do was go home early, but I had a late one-to-one with a lovely guy who had lost four stone and was determined to lose another two. He never missed a session, so I wasn’t going to be the one who let him down.

As usual, I was the last one in the building.

I walked into the female staff changing room and stripped off.

I stood under the water, letting it wash over me. All I could think of was Hunter. I adjusted the temperature to cold, wondering how I was going to work alongside him without revealing how I felt. I was going to have to take a lot of cold showers.

I pulled on yoga pants and a T-shirt, left my hair loose and walked out of the changing room slap into Hunter.

He put his hands on my shoulders to steady me and I felt the strength in those fingers and the heat of his body. Awareness shot through me. It was as if my body was programmed just to respond to him, which was frustrating on so many levels when you considered I was working hard to convince myself that this was going to be fine. That my self-control was up to this challenge.

‘What are you doing here?’ I blurted the words out and he raised an eyebrow.

‘I own the place.’

‘Thanks for reminding me. For a moment it had slipped my mind.’

His hands were still on my shoulders. ‘We should talk, Ninja.’

‘Not a good time. I’ve got to dash. I’m meeting Hayley.’

Instead of releasing me, he tightened his grip on my shoulders. ‘Are you going to spend the whole time avoiding me?’

‘I’m not avoiding you. But I have a life.’ A pretty boring, mundane life that was depressingly low on hot men, but that was my own fault. ‘Have a good evening, Hunter.’ I tried to move away from him but we were still toe to toe.

‘I have plans for this place. Exciting plans. Want to hear them?’

I had plans, too. They involved getting out of here as fast as possible. ‘Er...maybe later.’

His eyes were hooded. ‘You’re finding this difficult.’

‘Not at all, but I’m already late.’ I peeled myself away from him and tried to walk away but I had shaky legs and tripped over my own feet, or maybe it was his feet. Either way, I landed against the solid wall of his chest.

Oh, holy crap.

I heard him curse softly. Felt his hands grip my arms. Felt heat, strength and pumping male power. He smelled delicious and I closed my eyes for a moment, breathing him in. I looked up and my eyes had a close-up view of his jaw with its five o’clock shadow. The contrast between us had always fascinated me. His dark to my light. I was strong, but my arms were lean and sinewy; his were bulky and powerful and his biceps felt as if someone had pushed rocks under his skin. Being this close to him made me dizzy. I was so aware of him. The chemistry was electric, as if my body refused to pay attention to the messages from my brain. There was a tightening low in my stomach, a growing heat that spread from my core to my limbs.

And then we were kissing.

Not tentatively. Not gently. It was rough and raw. Hot and desperate. We kissed as if this were our last moment on Earth and we were going to suck it dry. His kiss was as skilled and every bit as exciting as I remembered. I felt the press of hard muscle through the fabric of his track pants, felt his hands cup my face as he focused all his attention on my mouth. It took one second for me to know for sure my teenage self hadn’t exaggerated how this had felt. Two seconds to remember how it had been with this man. I was virtually crawling all over him in an attempt to get closer, but he held me firm and steady, his expert mouth drugging my brain, sending my head spinning in dizzy circles because Hunter didn’t just take when he kissed—he gave.

I felt the thick ridge of his erection pressed against me, the hardness of his thighs, the solid strength of male muscle as he tightened his arms around me, kicked open the door to the changing room I’d just exited and propelled me back inside.

The door crashed back against the wall and I jumped. ‘You’ll be in trouble for destruction of property.’

‘My property.’ He growled the words against my mouth and I was wondering whether he was talking about me or the building when he flattened me against the wall and suddenly I couldn’t think of anything but the way his mouth felt on mine.

My fingers were jammed in his hair. His hands were on my bottom, holding me hard against him. His mouth ravaged mine, hot and demanding. We were out of control. I knew it. He knew it. Neither of us did anything to stop it. Certainly not me. His hands slid inside my yoga pants. Heat flashed across my skin. I shifted restlessly against him, desperate for him to use those skilled fingers of his where I needed it most. He didn’t. Instead he slowly drove me mad, stroking me with expert fingers, touching me with erotic precision until my hands dug hard into his scalp and I was begging against his mouth. I’d never been so desperate for anything. And then his fingers were sliding over me and inside me until finally I lost it. Pleasure exploded, hot pulsing pleasure, and I would have cried out but his mouth was on mine, smothering sound while his fingers felt every intimate moment of my release.

Somewhere in the distance a door slammed.

I heard him swear under his breath and the next moment he was hauling my yoga pants back up my shaking thighs and smoothing my tangled hair back from my face.

I didn’t say anything. I didn’t do anything. I just looked at him. And he looked at me.