Ellie subsided. 'Don't tell me, I mustn't talk and I mustn't ask you any awkward questions.'

Sean looked baffled but a glimmer of a smile touched Ben's firm mouth. 'Actually, I was going to say that if I'm at all worried about you, you agree to go back to hospital.'


Sean frowned. 'No way, MacAllister. She lives on her own—'

'Not any more she doesn't.'

Ellie's heart lurched in her chest but as usual Ben's expression gave nothing away.

Sean was still reluctant to let her go. 'She should be in hospital.'

'You know her as well as I do.' Ben's tone was weary. 'Either I take her home or she'll make a run for it in the night or do something equally reckless.'

Sean scowled. 'You promise not to let her out of your sight tonight?'

Ben gave a short laugh and looked at Ellie. 'I promise not to let her out of my sight ever again.'

Ellie's breathing was temporarily suspended.

What did he mean by that?

She peeped at him cautiously but he was still looking at Sean.

'By the way, I need to take some holiday...'

Sean blinked. 'Right. When will you be back?'

'When Ellie's well enough to work. And when we've had time to sort a few things out.' Ben reached into his pocket for his car keys. 'I'm going to bring the car round. Keep an eye on her until I get back.'

Ellie sat in silence in the car, staring straight ahead.

'Ellie, are you feeling ill?'

Ben's sudden question made her jump and she glanced at him with a wan smile.

'No. Just thinking.'

'In that case, I'm seriously worried.' His tone was dry and she looked at him in surprise.

'Why's that?'

'Because you never usually have a thought in your brain that doesn't come out of your mouth,' he drawled, his strong hands gripping the steering-wheel as he turned the car up the rough track that led to the cabins. 'You took such a risk in there, especially after he threatened to shoot you. I can't believe that even a gun couldn't keep you quiet!'

'I have serious trouble keeping quiet,' she confessed in a small voice, 'especially when I see someone bottling up his emotions. But maybe you're right. In future I'll take a vow of silence. Talking seems to get me into all sorts of trouble.'

'Well, I think perhaps it saved you tonight,' he said quietly, a glimmer of a smile touching his mouth as he pulled up outside the cabins. 'Do you have any idea how I felt when I found out he was holding you hostage?'

'Angry with me, I expect.' She risked a glance at him and her eyes widened as she saw the tortured expression on his face.

'Ellie, I wasn't angry. I was terrified.' Ben's voice was rough. 'I know what you're like. I knew that there was no way you'd keep your mouth shut. I was so afraid that you'd antagonise him.'

'Hey, I'm not stupid!' Ellie scowled at him but her scowl faltered as she looked into his eyes and saw the expression there.

'No, you're not stupid.' He touched her cheek with a gentle finger, 'You're the most loving, cheerful, optimistic person I've ever met, and you don't see bad in anyone.'

Her heart missed a beat. 'And I drive you crazy?'