ut you need to talk about it. Tell Tina how you feel. You need to make time for the two of you.'

'I've never been much of a talker.' He glanced uncertainly towards the door. 'I don't know if I can start now...'

'Of course you can,' Ellie said firmly. 'You just did. You told me how you were feeling. A bit briefly maybe, but it was a start.'

He shifted slightly. 'It isn't that I didn't want a baby...' He cleared his throat awkwardly; *It's just that it came as a shock. And everything changed. She changed.'

'I can imagine.' Ellie shared an understanding smile with him. 'If it's any consolation, it's perfectly normal to feel that way. There are people you can talk to about it, but the most important person to talk to is Tina.'

He lowered the gun and looked at her doubtfully. 'She'll never talk to me now.'

'I'm sure she will. Once you explain everything that you're feeling. She just didn't understand. It's pretty hard for us women to read men's minds.'

He rubbed a hand over his jaw. 'Is the baby going to die?'

'No.' Ellie shook her head. 'She was badly injured and she'll be in Intensive Care for a while, but they think she'll be fine.'

Thanks to Ben.

'Tina won't forgive me.'

'She loves you,' Ellie said gently. "There's nothing that you can't forgive if you love someone.'

His eyes drifted to the nasty gash on her head. 'Does that hurt?'

'Not really. My fault entirely.' She managed a smile. 'I should have looked before I fell.'

The phone shrilled and he stiffened and tightened the grip on the gun.

'Put the gun down and pick up the phone, Ken,' she urged softly. 'And tell them that you want to talk to the police. Tell them what you've told me. And then we can get you to see Tina. Let's finish this before it gets any worse.'

He hesitated for a few seconds and then picked up the receiver.

'He's giving himself up.'

Ben stared at the policeman, hardly daring to believe him, but then he saw the door of Resus swing open and suddenly he knew it was true.

Without sparing the bulky man a second glance, Ben shouldered his way into Resus, his eyes frantically searching the room.

Was Ellie hurt?

Relief flooded through his veins as he saw her, bruised and bleeding but very much alive.

'Can you untie me? My wrists are killing me!'

She sounded so normal that he almost groaned aloud with relief.

In seconds he was on his knees beside her, the sharp blade of his knife slicing through the ropes that held her captive.

'Where's Ken?'

Ken? She was on first-name terms with her kidnapper?

'He's gone with the police.'

Ellie rubbed at her wrists and winced slightly. 'Well, I hope they're nice to him. The poor man is in such a state.'

He stared at her incredulously. 'Ellie, how can you call him a "poor man"? He kidnapped you at gunpoint!'