She felt a brief flash of trepidation but already he was above her, leaving her no time for doubts or fears as he thrust hard into her waiting warmth.

Her eyes flew wide as she felt him slide full length inside her and she cried out in ecstasy, her fingers clutching at his shoulders.

Still Ben didn't speak, neither did he slow the pace, taking her hard and fast until she was crying out with pleasure, instinctively moving her hips to match the rhythm he set. It was wild and primitive and Ellie responded to his savage urgency with a desperation that matched his driving need, the feeling inside her so intense that if she hadn't loved him and trusted him, if it hadn't been Ben holding her, she would have been terrified.

But it was Ben and she clung to him tightly, knowing that wherever the passion took her he would be there, too.

The intense pleasure built to an intolerable level and she was aware only of the solid weight of him on top of her, the powerful thrust of his body inside her as he quickened and deepened his movements.

And suddenly, like a breathless ride on a roller-coaster, it was over, their bodies exploding together in a feeling so agonisingly perfect that it left her breathless and sobbing and clinging to him.

For a long moment he didn't move, and then finally, very slowly, he rolled onto his back, taking her with him, cradling her head against the softness of his shirt as they lay in the darkness.

But still he didn't speak and neither did she.

Her body had expressed her feelings more eloquently than words could have.

What was there left to say?


WHEN Ellie awoke, she was alone.

Still groggy from sleep, she yawned and sat upright, glancing round the cabin for signs of Ben.

But the cabin was empty. In fact, it looked as though she'd been the only inhabitant for some time.

The only sign of their explosive night together was her clothes, piled neatly on the chair opposite.

She stared at the soft duvet tucked around her and wondered when he'd covered her up. It hadn't been while she'd been awake, or she would have remembered.

So where was he?

And why had he left? Was it a sign that he regretted what had happened between them?

Soft colour touched her cheeks as she remembered how she'd behaved. He might have been the one to start it, but she'd been with him all the way.

She nibbled her lip anxiously. Had she shocked him?

She'd certainly shocked herself.

She'd had no idea that she was capable of such powerful emotions.

Even if he did regret it, how could she? It had been the most special night of her whole life and she'd do it again in a moment.

Except that he didn't seem to be in agreement.

Accepting that he wasn't coming back, she slid off the sofa and retrieved her clothes, glancing out of the window at the weak, winter sunlight.

Ben was standing by the lake, his back towards her, and her legs turned to cotton wool as her eyes hungrily scanned his b

road shoulders and long, strong legs.

She dressed quickly, dragged on a fleece and hurried outside to find him, her feet making a soft crunching sound as she tiptoed over the frozen grass,

He must have heard her approach but he didn't turn. Instead, she saw a barely imperceptible stiffening of his shoulders as he sensed her presence.

She gave a shiver and huddled deep inside her fleece. 'It's too cold out here,' she said quietly. 'You should come back inside.'