She gave a sniff. 'The crazy thing is that I really didn't want to. I know he isn't perfect, and you'll think I'm crazy, but I still love him. I really, really love him. But I've got no choice about involving the police. They're already involved. I shot two red lights and caused an accident.'

'Well, you need to involve them in the other part of your life, too,' Ellie urged. 'You must tell them about Ken. Tell them everything you've told us. For Fiona's sake, if not your own.'

There was a long silence and the woman nodded. 'Yes. You're right, of course. I just don't see how they can help.'

'It's worth a try,' Ellie said stoutly. 'At least they can talk to him about the violence. He can't do that to you, Tina.'

Tina looked at her pityingly. 'You don't know Ken. He isn't afraid of the police. They won't be able to stop him. Our only hope is to get away from him completely, give him some time to think things through. That's what I was planning to do before we crashed.' She started to sob again. 'And now she's here and he'll find us. They'll never be able to protect us from him.'

Ellie looked at Ben but his expression was unreadable.

'The police are waiting to talk to you now,' he said quietly. 'I suggest you see them before you go upstairs to visit your daughter.'

Tina sniffed and nodded slowly. 'You're right. It's time I told them the truth.'

'I'll go and find them.'

Ben left the room and by the time Ellie had made Tina a cup of tea and had left her spilling all to the policemen, there was no sign of him.

Where had he gone?

She found Sean in his office. 'Have you seen Ben?'

'Has he vanished?' Sean's expression was grim. 'Well, I suppose that was inevitable in the circumstances.'

'What circumstances?' Ellie looked at him in confusion. 'Why is it inevitable that he's vanished? What on earth is going on, Sean?'

There was a long silence and then Sean gave a long sigh. 'It's not my place to tell you, angel. You'll have to ask him.'

'I have,' Ellie said softly. 'Repeatedly. But he won't open up to me.'

Sean's broad shoulders sagged slightly, as if she'd given him bad news. 'Then there's nothing more that can be done.'

Oh, wasn't there?

Ellie lifted her chin. 'We're not that busy at the moment,' she said in a small voice. 'Maybe if I could slip off a bit early...'

Sean looked her straight in the eye. 'Go. I'll square it with Nicky. Oh, and, Ellie...' His voice stopped her as she reached the door. 'Don't be surprised if he doesn't let you in.'

Ellie gave a slight smile. She wasn't going to rely on Ben to let her in. She had a key.

Ben's cabin was in darkness.

Ellie pulled up outside, switched off the engine and stared at the windows. Not a single flicker of light.

Was he there?


had a stressful day. Maybe he was asleep.

But all her instincts told her that there was no way Ben was going to be sleeping tonight She sensed that whatever it was that was torturing him was too acute to allow him the easy release of sleep.

The sensible thing would be to go straight to her own cabin and leave him in peace. But there was no way she'd be able to sleep herself until she was satisfied that he, was all right.

She had this feeling...

Taking a deep breath, she climbed out of the car, walked over to the cabin and tried the door.