'Just a quick one, then,' she said, and he flashed her a smile.

'Great. I'll meet you by the door when you're changed. We can walk over together.'

Ellie stared after him uneasily.

She had one of her feelings...

But what could be wrong with a harmless drink?

Rummaging around for her key, she secured her locker and made her way through A and E to the staff entrance, her heart sinking as she saw Ben striding towards her.

'Are you going home?'

She shook her head. 'I'm going for a drink with everyone. I didn't feel I could say no after missing the pizza the other night'

He looked at her, his gaze disturbingly direct. 'Who invited you?'

She bit her lip. 'Will Thacker.'

His mouth tightened and she frowned at him, puzzled.

'Are you coming?'

A strange expression crossed his face and he seemed about to say something but then changed his mind and shook his head. 'No.'

'Oh.' She tried to hide her disappointment, her heart rate increasing as he lifted a hand and brushed her cheek with his knuckles.

'Be careful.'

'I'm only going for a drink.' She shrugged and smiled. 'How dangerous can it be?'

'With you there?' His smile was weary. 'Pretty dangerous. You attract danger like a magnet, Ellie. Stay with your friends and don't talk to strangers.'

How could she have been so naive?

The minute she and Will arrived at die pub, she realized her mistake. There was no one there from her shift except the two of them.

She turned to him immediately, her tone suspicious, 'Where are the others?'

He didn't meet her eye. 'They'd be along in a minute,' he said casually, walking straight to the bar and ordering them both a drink.

Ellie glanced towards the door, wondering whether he was telling her the truth. Will made her feel uneasy. He hadn't even asked her what she wanted to drink.

She stared suspiciously at the glass he handed her and he gave a faint smile.

'It's called alcohol, Ellie, otherwise known as a gin and tonic. Drink it. It will do you good after the day you've had.'

'I don't usually drink alcohol. It makes me fall asleep.' She hesitated and then turned to the barman. 'Can I have a grapefruit juice and tonic mixed together, please?'

She saw Will frown slightly but she didn't care. She hadn't eaten a thing since breakfast. There was no way she'd be able to tolerate alcohol.

'Can we sit down while we wait for the others?'

'Sure.' Will picked up his glass and slipped an arm round her shoulders, guiding her towards a free table.

She and Will had been making small talk for twenty minutes when she realised that there was still no sign of the others.

'Where is everyone?' Her head was decidedly swimmy from lack of food as she stared at him and he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it.